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Do you have a business idea? IIM-A and BITS Pilani grads are here to invest $1million in startups like yours.

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Do you have a business idea? IIM-A and BITS Pilani grads are here to invest $1million in startups like yours.

Wondering about how you can fund your startup idea? No worries. gradCapital is there at your rescue. Founded by IIM-A and BITS Pilani graduates Abhishek Sethi and Prateek Behera, gradCapital has come with a mission to invest in crazy folks startups ideas through capital and advisory support to bring out the next unicorns from young founders out of college. 

Signing $25K for college-based startups 

gradCapital has launched a $1million fund to invest in startups founded by college students. And to begin with this, they plan to take baby steps through investing $25,000 in 20 startups primarily to achieve the funding target of 100 startups in the next three years. It has also begun the application process for the first cohort of startups for investment. 

The co-founder Mr. Sethi expressed his viewpoint toward college entrepreneurship, "We genuinely believe in academic spaces. Entrepreneurship is a way to bring such strong ideas to life and create value for society. We are betting on such ideas,”. With this thought process, the venture capital has already funded startups of Stanford University students Kiranakart and BITS Pilani students startups humid, Valerio, hazlo, codedamn. 

Much more than funding startups 

This venture capital not only provides funding to the startups but also provides weekly keynotes, one to one mentorship, office hours with experts and, in the end, an investor-focused demo day. Revealed by the co-founders, "Apart from building a strong and sustainable structure for their company, these young entrepreneurs will leave with countless tools, crucial knowledge, a network of peers, mentors and investors, and funding of $25,000"

Besides this, they planned an eight-week session for the startups that are run by the college students community to make them familiar with the funding rounds of how they can meet their startup funding requirements from the gradCapital.

“There is tremendous value waiting to be unlocked by students from Science, Commerce, Arts, and Engineering colleges. VCs do not take these bets because it doesn’t fit their risk profile. 

These companies often are missed by larger VCs due to a gap in the understanding of emerging technologies, millennial consumers or new kinds of economies.”

- Prateek Behera

Co-founder, gradCapital

This amazing initiative to support funding requirements of startups is backed by CIIE.CO – The Innovation Continuum, based out of IIM Ahmedabad. There is no doubt that ideas like gradCapital will support several student communities with an unfunded startup idea and will be able to give wings to their entrepreneurial journey. 


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D2C Admin

IIM Ahmedabad BITS Pilani start-up Startup India


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Shobhit Goyal 3 years ago

I have idea how to contact

Saravana Kumaran V 3 years ago

I have ideas.
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