Home Newsroom IIT Kharagpur to offer a 12-week free course on software engineering 

IIT Kharagpur to offer a 12-week free course on software engineering 

IIT Kharagpur to offer a 12-week free course on software engineering 

IIT Kharagpur is all set to provide an absolutely free course on software engineering to the Computer Science graduates. The duration of this course is twelve weeks, which will begin on September 14th, 2020. The 12-week free course requires Computer Science graduates to have prior knowledge of C++ Programming or Java and C Programming. 

The aim of the programme is to teach the know-how of software engineering and equip them towards the challenges that lay in the path of large-scale development of software. This course on software engineering is bound to help the people who are in the field of Information Technology as well as the engineers/graduates from Computer Science.

The conductor of the course is Rajib Mall, who is the Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in IIT Kharagpur. The enrollment for the 12-week free course will end by September 21st, 2020. 

The programme has also been duly approved by both the AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and the FDP (Faculty Development Programmes). The 12-week course comes free of cost. However, willing candidates need to deposit/pay INR 1,000 to be eligible to take the examination and thereafter obtain a completion certificate.

The examination for the same is scheduled to be held on December 20th, 2020. Willing students need to register themselves at the official website and fill an online registration form in order to take the examination.

A total of 12 assignments will be given throughout the duration of the course. To be eligible to get the completion certificate, the students must have an average score which is at least 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments they submit. Besides that, the candidate's examination score must be 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100. The final score will then be calculated, keeping in view both the average score of the assignments and the exam score.

In order to know more about upcoming courses, you can also read:

IIT IIT Kharagpur Engineering Education News
Updated On Updated On: 28 Sep'21, 11:47 AM IST