Jamia Millia Islamia starts two-week refresher course in Geography and Environmental Science

The University Grants Commission-Human Resource Development Centre (UGC-HRDC), in collaboration with Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) and University Department of Geography, has started a two-week refresher course in Geography and Environmental Science. It is the 18th two-week and 1st online course slated to be held from 9 to 24 November 2020.
Dr Taruna Bansal of the Department of Geography and Dr Praveen Kumar Pathak will be coordinating the two-week refresher course in Geography and Environmental Science. It aims at training and skill-building of young faculty members from various universities and colleges across the country.
UGC – HRDC, Director Professor Anis-ur-Rehman commenced the inaugural meeting by giving a reception speech. The chief guests of the opening sessions, Professor Najma Akhtar, vice-chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia was given a warm welcome by the guest of honour and keynote speaker Prof. Ajit Mishra, Director, Institute of Economic Growth along with other prominent professors and JMI faculty members and other students from different universities.
Professor Najma Akhtar highlighted the significance of the refresher course on environmental sciences during her inaugural speech. She emphasised on the incorporation of geographical, economic, social and environmental equity and justice citing them critical for an inclusive and resilient human society. Other prominent speakers also congratulated and appreciated the initiative.
Adept speakers from 19 academic and research institutions across India and abroad shall teach, train and equip young faculty in the two-week refresher course about emerging concepts, unique technological solutions and their wise applications. It will help them in addressing the emerging global issues and challenges and provide them locally sensitive solutions.
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