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Answer "Sell Me This Pen" Question Better Than The Wolf Of Wall Street (Sample Answers Included!)
Sell me this pen: the infamous, dreadful question of many interviews. Over the years, this question has gained a sort of cult following. Time after time, interviewees get to hear it in their interview process.
Be it your sales job interview or your B-School interview, chances are very high that you will be challenged with how to sell a pen. It has been asked a thousand times, and there are a million sell me this pen answers - including the one that made it to the movie, The Wolf of Wall Street.
Then why does the sell me this pen question still give jitters to the candidates when they come across this question during their interviews? Why is this type of question even being asked?
The answer is simple: The question has no perfect answer. But, it is a pretty good way of judging a candidate's sales technique.
Just because there is no perfect answer to the question, it does not mean that you cannot be prepared to answer questions on how to sell a product in an interview. In this article, we'll understand why interviewers ask this in an interview, a step-by-step approach to creating the perfect sell me this pen answer, tips and tricks to answer the question, and common mistakes to avoid. Let's dive in.
Sell Me This Pen: Why Do Interviewers Still Ask This?
The "sell me this pen" question or "sell me this product" question has become extremely popular, and most interviewees are likely to have an answer prepared. Yet, interviewers ask this question.
Over the years, interviewers have tweaked the question to replace the word pen with sunglasses, books, files, and whatnot. While the product changes, the question remains the same. So, why is this question still popular? And no, it's not just because it's an easy question to ask.
The reason the "sell me this pen" question comes up regularly in interviews is because it's a quick, comparatively easy way of checking a candidate's sales tactics. Not to mention, the popularity of the sell me this pen question also allows interviewers to test a candidate's confidence, communication skills, level of preparedness, and creative approach.
Here are the major reasons why interviewers ask questions on how to sell a product in an interview:
Assessing your sales approach: Sales reps use several different approaches to sell. From creating a value-proposition for the customer to catering to a customer's desires. With this question, interviewers want to understand how you approach sales. Simply put, it's a way to see your sales pitch.
Assessing your communication skills and confidence: Good communication and confidence are not just required for a sales position, but any role you apply for. And even in B-schools. How you answer the "sell me this pen" question can go a long way in showing interviews if you can communicate confidently or not.
Assessing problem-solving skills: At its core, the interviewer is creating a problem by asking the "sell me this pen" question. The way you solve this problem indicates your approach to the commonplace problems you may encounter during the sales process or in school. And here, your answer speaks volumes about not just your problem-solving skills, but also your attitude to problems.
Assessing your creativity: If you're straight away jumping into your well-rehearsed and prepared "sell me this pen" answer, you're doing it wrong. The popularity of this question indicates that the most common answers are done to death. This is why, now this question is also a way for an interviewer to see how creatively you solve a problem or approach a situation.
This makes it clear that the "sell me this pen" question is not just a random question, but rather one that you should know how to answer well. Because it can impact your chances of success in an interview.
Answering Sell Me This Pen Question: A Step-By-Step Approach
If you're worried about how to sell a pen in an interview, then here is a step-by-step approach to answering this question:
i) Understand the purpose: The original 'Wolf of Wall Street' aka author, former stockbroker and trader Jordan Belfort actually provides the best way to answer the "sell me this pen" question - by asking the interviewers questions and understanding their needs.
As he states in his book, "Did it ever occur to you to maybe ask me a few questions before you attempted to ram a pen down my throat? Like, am I even in the market for a pen? Do I have a certain price range in mind? Do I prefer one type of pen to another?"
Thus, the first step in answering the "sell me this pen" question is understanding the purpose. You can ask interviewers questions like, "Do you regularly use pens?" or "Are you looking to buy a new pen?" or "What kind of pens do you use?", etc. to better understand their needs.
2. Pivot, pivot, pivot: No, we're not talking about the famous episode from the hit sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S. We're talking about pivoting from asking questions to delivering statements. A common pitfall that many sales representatives applying for a sales position or even students sitting for an admission process commit is constantly asking the interviewer counter-questions without actually selling the pen. This might very well frustrate the interviewers and, in an actual scenario, may frustrate your prospective customers, too. Once you have a basic idea of what the interviewer needs, start selling. And if the interviewer is being evasive and not answering questions, then shift your approach and sell anyway. But, do start selling.
For example, you may say, "Now that you know you regularly use pens, you also know that you can never have one too many." Or you may start your sales pitch by saying, "I'm sure you're always on the lookout for products that offer value for money - like this pen."
3. What sets it apart?: This is where you emphasize any defining features of the product, i.e. focus on what sets it apart. Yes, the pen is one of the most common writing instruments. And finding something unique about a product as common as the pen can seem like a daunting task. But the idea is not to be fanciful. Rather, be practical and clever. For example, highlighting the price structure (competitive pricing, discounted product, or freebies), quality of the product (it writes smoothly and the ink doesn't stain easily), or any other feature. You can also try to negotiate with the interviewer to complete the sale.
Pro Tip: Don't go overboard when emphasizing the features. Your answers should be rooted in reality and seem plausible. In other words, don't say this pen writes without ink. But you could say, this pen comes with a free customization.
4. Closure: Always try to close the deal. Even if you don't make a successful sale in the interview, do close the process. A common mistake that candidates make is leave the question hanging, either because they're convinced they've made the sale. Or because they get flustered at coming up with a good answer. This is not an ideal situation.
If you do succeed in selling the pen, have a good closing statement. For example, "If there are any other stationary needs I can help fulfill, please don't hesitate to reach out." This shows you have the skills to build a relationship and increase sales.
Even if you fail to make a sale, still close. Perhaps with a statement along the lines of, "I understand that this pen didn't suit your needs and I do not wish to take up more of your precious time. But, there are several other items that may interest you and I'd be happy to take you through our products at a time of your convenience." This shows you can move on from rejection - a natural part of the sales process. It also shows you have what it takes to generate a lead.
Remember, no interviewer is expecting you to come up with a properly developed sales strategy. But they do expect you to have a fair idea about how the sales process works and to use your skills to achieve the best possible results. Following these simple steps can certainly make it easier to answer the dreaded sell me this pen question.
What To Do When Answering Sell Me This Pen Question
The following are some of the Do’s that you should keep in mind when thinking of answers on how to sell a pen during your sales interview:
1. Be Confident and Optimistic
This is the key to the entire conversation you will have once you are asked to sell a pen. The interviewers want to test how well you perform when given an uneasy situation i.e., how well you play it by ear. You should show enthusiasm while showing how to sell a pen to give the interviewer the impression that you are actually eager to sell the pen and are not under any pressure. Maintain eye contact, speak slowly but confidently, and structure your questions and responses. Most importantly, stay calm. Interviewers can judge your hesitance through facial expressions as well, so before answering take a deep breath and keep in mind - the interviewer is just checking your basic sales skills.
2. Keep Trying
It's okay if you don't nail the answer in the first go. The trick is to not lose hope and keep trying. Remember, this is just one question, and you have other questions to display your skills. Moreover, there is no right or wrong answer to this question. So keep trying, and don't lose heart if you make a mistake.
3. Ask Open-Ended Questions
When you are selling a pen in the interview, your interviewer is your customer. So, you should be cautious about their specific needs. Try to get some information on personal experiences or job experiences that relate to a pen. And when you're asking them questions, keep it open-ended - so they have a chance to give you more information than just respond to the questions asked.
4. Be Enthusiastic
Yes, this is a common question - one that you've probably prepared and even answered multiple times before. But, you still need to answer this question with enthusiasm. Your answer goes beyond the question - it's also an indication of your attitude and how you approach the role you're applying for.
What Not To Do When Answering Sell Me This Pen Question
There are some red flags that you should be wary of while answering the “sell me this pen” question.
1. Don't say no to this question
You should not decline to answer the question. Certainly, there may be many questions that you may not know and for which you may politely say that you do not have any knowledge about them. But “sell me this pen” is certainly not one of those questions. Answering it is not optional. Refusing to give an answer may decrease your chances of getting a job offer or getting selected at your dream B-School. Be very confident and optimistic while answering questions.
2. Don't focus on just the pen
Many people get apprehensive after listening to this question. The first thing that crosses their mind is, ‘Let me focus on just the qualities'. But they forget the first rule that Belfrost himself talked about and the cornerstone of selling- knowing the customer. Thus, first, understand the customer's need, and then emphasize those features that can meet those needs. When you are selling, focus on the person sitting in front of you, that person’s needs, goals, etc. Simply put, don't just focus on the pen; focus on the person you're selling the pen to.
3. Don't Go Overboard
While it's a good skill to get creative with your answers and even offer lucrative deals, remember to not go overboard. Your answers may have loopholes, but they can't exist outside the realm of imagination. This isn't fictional storytelling.
4. Don't be too rehearsed
Yes, you've prepared an answer to this question. The interviewer is well aware of this fact. So don't just start reciting the answer- rather, turn the answer into a sales pitch and make it a conversation. Also, try not to learn any answers. Rote learning is certainly not the way to go in an interview. If you've memorized the answer but not understood the technique of answering the "sell me this pen" question, a change in the question can very well throw you off and cause you to stumble.
Sell Me This Pen Question: Improving Your Technique
Following are some of the ways in which you can improve your selling strategy or, rather, answering strategy:
1. Practice
As the saying goes, ‘Practice makes a man perfect’. It is advisable that you practice this question beforehand in your interview. You can record yourself, ask questions and see whether you are able to convince yourself. If you are satisfied with yourself, then try practising it with one of your friends. Tell them to disagree with you and put you under pressure. This will definitely help build your confidence if and when you actually face this question in your interview.
2. Prior Research
You should always do prior research on the interviewer before going for an interview. It may happen that you do not know the exact person who is going to take your interview. In that case, build the persona of the interviewer.
- If it’s a job interview you are going for, then your interviewer will be a hiring manager or experienced sales manager. So, what do they look at in your question is the thing you should ask yourself? PROFITS…you should include some points about how that pen is going to profit them and the company.
- If it’s an MBA interview you are going for, then your interviewer will be an academic professional. In this case, you can appeal to the academician inside them and tell them hothey willey benefit from the pethatch you are selling.
3. Understanding the Core meaning of the Question
Before answering the question, consider what the interviewer is trying to do. When you are asked the "sell me this pen" question, the interviewer is trying to gauge how well you can collect and deliver the information about the pen while keeping your consumer in mind and how well you are able to shape your final pitch.
4. Be Prepared for Refusal
Don't let a rejection or refusal get you down. An interviewer is likely to reject your first sales pitch to test how you respond to rejection and how it impacts your refusal. Interviewers also stimulate real-life scenarios where rejections are common. Thus, be prepared for refusals and take them in your stride when answering the "sell me this pen" question.
How To Sell A Pen In An Interview: Sample Answers
Have a look at three sample answers to the question "sell me this pen". These answers will help you get a better idea about what your strategy should be:
Sample Answer 1: Hardik Katyarmal- IIT Kharagpur
Interviewer: Sell me this pen.
Me: Sure sir. (Lifts the pen) (Drawing out my own Parker and addressing it) Hello sir! I would like to know - Do you have any children?
Interviewer: Yeah, I have a daughter.
Me: Does she go to school yet? What grade is she in?
Interviewer: She's 12 years old and is studying in 7th grade now.
Me: I'm sure soon she must be having exams this season. How does she fare in her exams?
Interviewer: She does really good. She is always amongst the top 3 in her class.
Me: Sir, here I have this, Parker Pen.
Just before the exam - I suggest you hold her hands, tell her how great she is going to do and gift her this pen. It would really give her the needed inspiration to get to the top this time.Interviewer: How much is it worth?
Me: I'll give you one for 250 bucks.
Interviewer: 250 is way too much, I can only spare a 50.
Me: Then, sir, I think you could try this one (Lifting the pen he gave), sparing only 50 bucks, even with a best of luck hug, you would still need a pen.
And I think this one is good enough. After all, does a daughter really care if her father gifted her a Parker or just a simple pen with that hearty best of luck?
(Interview Source: Quora)
Sample Answer 2: Ketan Srivastava- SIBM Pune Interview
Interviewer: Sell me this Pen. (Handed over a Black Pierre Cardin Pen). Mind it, I have an extra Rs 10 pen.
Me: May I ask, why have you kept two pens with such widely differing costs?
Interviewer: I mostly use the pen I have handed over to you to sell as its flow is very good while signing anything. I use the other one only the 1st one not working.
Me: (Lifted the pen) So, let me tell you ma’am the main qualities of this pen. It functions very smoothly. You will be able to sign anything irrespective of the fact that you are in a hurry or not.
Interviewer: But this quality is present in pens of other companies. Why should I buy from you?
Me: This pen, This very specific black pen. It is not simply a pen. It showcases the respect you hold for the purposes for which a pen is used. You are an academic professional. You might have used a hundred pens a year. But do ever feel the urge the pen a similar pen again and again.
Interviewer: Okay. I agree the pen you are selling is has special qualities. But I still don’t want to buy it. It’s very costly.
Me: Ma’am, I said that when you are holding a pen you are at war. You are the decision-maker. It is the tongue of the mind. So, will you let your thoughts and expressions be sold at Rs 10 pen or by this black pen which costs Rs 350?
Interviewer: (Started laughing) Okay handle me back my pen and take your 350.
(Ketan Srivastava is former Unstop intern.)
Sample Answer 3: Rohan Khandelwal
Interviewer: Sell me this pen.
Me: Sir, our company has recently introduced it in the market. You should use it. It’s very good.
Interviewer: Prove it.
Me: Sir, what is the normal life of the refill of a pen if used frequently?
Interviewer: It’s about 7 days.
Me: And our pen works for 2 months when used in the same frequency.
Interviewer: Okay. what is its cost?
Me: It costs 4 times the cost of your pen.
Interviewer: Then why should I buy an expensive pen?
Me: Because it will be economical for you. Let me break out the math here. If you use your pen frequently then how many refills do you have to change within a period of 2 months.
Interviewer: About 8 or 9.
Me: And what is the cost of each refill of your pen?
Interviewer: About Rs. 5.
Me: So, the total cost of refills becomes Rs. 40–45 for 2 months, right?
Interviewer: Right!
Me: Now our pen’s single refill works for 2 months straight without getting exhausted. And the price of our pen’s one refill is 4 times that of your pen’s refill and that is 5 multiplied by 4, that is Rs. 20. So, your expenses on refills for 2 months will reduce to less than half! It’s like a long-term investment that is extremely beneficial for you.
Interviewer: How do I know that your pen’s refill will work for 2 months?
Me: Sir, this is a sample pen I am giving you for free. Take this and see by yourself. If you get satisfied with it, order the whole carton of it.
Interviewer: Why the whole carton?
Me: Because our pen’s ink does not dry for 5 years. So, there is no harm in keeping the stock. Who knows that in future because of inflation, our company may increase the price of the pen! So, it’s a win-win situation for you to order the stock.
Interviewer: I am ordering the stock.
(Interview Source: Quora)
All being said and done, it ultimately boils down to you when you get asked to sell a pen in an interview. When that day comes, remember all the lessons that you learned here, and you will sail through your interview.
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