Java Programming Language
Table of content:
- History Of Java Programming Langauge
- Infographic For History Of Java
- What’s In The Name | History Of Java
- Key Features Of Java
- Advantages And Disadvantages Of Java
- The Version History Of Java Langauge
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is JDK?
- How To Download Java Development Kit (JDK) For Windows, MacOS, and Linux?
- Set Environment Variables In Java
- How To Install Java (JDK) On Windows 64-Bit Machine?
- How To Install Java (JDK) On Linux?
- How To Install Java (JDK) On macOS?
- How To Test Java Installation?
- How To Write Your First Java Program On Linux OS?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Java Programming Language | An Introduction
- 15 Key Features Of Java
- Write Once Run Anywhere (WORA) | Features Of Java
- Java Editions
- 5 New Features Of JAVA 8
- 5 New Features Of JAVA 11
- What Makes Java Popular?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What is Java?
- Advantages of Java
- Disadvantages of Java
Table of content:
- What Is Java Programming?
- Role Of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) In Java Development
- 15 Best Java IDE For Developers
- In-Depth Comparison Table
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Key Differences Between Java And Core Java
- What Is Java?
- What Is Core Java?
- Applications Of Java
- Applications Of Core Java
- When To Use Java?
- When To Use Core Java?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Are Variables In Java Language?
- How To Declare Variables In Java Programs?
- How To Initialize Variables In Java?
- Naming Conventions For Variables In Java
- Types Of Variables In Java
- Local Variables In Java
- Instance Variables In Java
- Static Variables In Java
- Final Variables In Java
- Scope and Lifetime of Variables In Java
- Data Types Of Variables In Java (Primitive & Non-primitive)
- Java Variable Type Conversion & Type Casting
- Working With Variables In Java (Examples)
- Access Modifiers & Variables In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Are Identifiers In Java?
- Syntax Rules For Identifiers In Java
- Valid Identifiers in Java
- Invalid Identifiers in Java
- Java Reserved Keywords
- Naming Conventions & Best Practices For Identifiers In Java
- What Is An Identifier Expected Error In Java?
- Reasons The Identifier Expected Error Occurs
- How To Fix/ Resolve Identifier Expected Errors In Java?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Are Data Types In Java?
- Primitive Data Types In Java
- Non-Primitive Data Types In Java
- Key Differences Between Primitive And Non-Primitive Data Types In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Are Operators In Java?
- Types Of Operators In Java
- Unary Operators In Java
- Arithmetic Operators In Java
- Assignment Operators In Java
- Relational Operators In Java
- Logical Operators In Java
- Bitwise Operators In Java
- Shift Operators In Java
- Increment & Decrement Operators In Java
- Ternary Operator In Java
- Instanceof Operator In Java
- Precedence & Associativity Of Java Operators
- Advantages & Disadvantages Of Operators In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is A Return Statement In Java?
- Use Cases Of Return Statements In Java
- Returning A Value From A Method In Java
- Returning A Class Object In Java
- Returning Void (No Value) In Java
- Advantages Of Using Return Statements In Java
- Limitations Of Using Return Statements In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Are Keywords In Java?
- List Of Keywords In Java
- Detailed Overview Of Java Keywords With Examples
- What If When Keywords In Java Are Used As Variable Names?
- Difference Between Identifiers & Keywords In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Abstract Keyword In Java?
- Use Of Abstract Keyword In Java
- Abstract Methods In Java
- Abstract Classes In Java
- Advantages Of Abstract Keyword In Java
- Disadvantages Of Abstract Keyword In Java
- Abstract Classes Vs. Interfaces In Java
- Real-World Applications Of Abstract Keyword
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is throws Keyword In Java?
- How Does The throws Keyword Work?
- Throwing A Checked Exception Using throws In Java
- Throwing Multiple Exceptions Using throws In Java
- Throwing A Custom Exception Using throws In Java
- When To Use The throws Keyword In Java
- Difference Between throw and throws Keyword In Java
- Best Practices For Using The throws Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is The Volatile Keyword In Java?
- How Does Volatile Keyword In Java Work?
- Using Volatile Keyword In Java To Control Thread Execution
- Using Volatile Keyword In Java To Signal Between Multiple Threads
- Difference Between Synchronization And Volatile Keyword
- Common Mistakes And Best Practices While Using Volatile Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding Super Keyword In Java
- Super Keyword In Java With Instance Variables
- Super Keyword In Java With Method Overriding
- Super Keyword In Java With Constructor Chaining
- Applications Of Super Keyword In Java
- Difference Between This And Super Keyword In Java
- Advantages Of Using Super Keyword In Java
- Limitations And Considerations Of Super Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding This Keyword In Java
- Uses Of This Keyword In Java
- Using This Keyword For Referencing Instance Variables
- Using This Keyword For Invoking A Constructor
- Using This Keyword For Invoking A Method
- Using This Keyword With Getters And Setters
- Difference Between This And Super Keyword In Java
- Best Practices For Using This Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is new Keyword In Java?
- Uses Of The new Keyword In Java
- Memory Management With new Keyword In Java
- Example 1: Creating An Object Of A Class Using new Keyword In Java
- Example 2: Creating An Array Using The new Keyword In Java
- Best Practices For Using new Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is The Transient Keyword In Java?
- Real-Life Example Of The Transient Keyword In Java
- When To Use The Transient Keyword In Java
- Example 1: Effect Of Transient Keyword On Serialization In Java
- Example 2: Skipping Sensitive Data During Serialization With Transient Keyword In Java
- Using Transient With Final Keyword In Java
- Using Transient With Static Keyword
- Difference Between Transient And Volatile Keyword In Java
- Advantages And Disadvantages Of Transient Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Static Keyword In Java?
- Characteristics Of Static Keyword In Java
- Static Variables In Java
- Static Method In Java
- Static Blocks In Java
- Static Classes In Java
- Static Variables Vs Instance Variables In Java
- Advantages Of Static Keyword In Java
- Disadvantages Of Static Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is A Static Method In Java?
- Use Cases Of Static Method In Java
- Using Static Method In Java To Create A Utility Class
- Using Static Method In Java To Implement The Singleton Design Pattern
- Difference Between Static And Instance Methods In Java
- Limitations Of Static Method In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding Final Keyword In Java
- Final Variables In Java
- Final Methods In Java
- Final Classes In Java
- Difference Between Static And Final Keyword In Java
- Uses Of Final Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Key Difference Between final, finally, And finalize In Java
- What Is final Keyword In Java?
- What Is finally Keyword In Java?
- What Is finalize Keyword In Java?
- When To Use Which Keyword In Java?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding The extends Keyword In Java?
- Use Of extends Keyword In Java
- Using Java extends To Implement Single Inheritance
- Using Java extends With Interfaces (Default Methods)
- Overriding Using extends Keyword In Java
- Difference Between extends And implements In Java
- Real World Applications Of Extends Keyword In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Decision Making Statement In Java?
- If Statement In Java
- If-Else Statement In Java
- Else-If Ladder In Java
- Switch Statement In Java
- Ternary/Conditional Operator (?:) In Java
- Best Practices For Writing Decision Making Statements In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Are Control Statements in Java?
- Decision-Making Control Statements In Java
- Looping Control Statements In Java
- Jump (Branching) Control Statements In Java
- Application Of Control Statements In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is The Break Statement In Java?
- Working Of The Break Statement In Java
- Using Java Break Statement With Loops
- Using Java Break Statement With Switch Statement
- Using Java Break Statement With Infinite Loops
- Common Pitfalls While Using Break Statements In Java
- Best Practices For Using The Break Statement In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Switch Statement In Java?
- Working Of The Switch Statement In Java
- Example Of Switch Statement In Java
- Java Switch Statement With String
- Java Nested Switch Statements
- Java Enum In Switch Statement
- Java Wrapper Classes In Switch Statements
- Uses Of Switch Statement In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Syntax Of main() Method In Java
- public Specifier – Main Method In Java
- static Keyword – Main Method In Java
- void Return Type Of Main Method In Java
- The main Identifier – Main Method In Java
- String[] args In Main Method In Java
- The Role Of Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
- Running Java Programs Without The Main Method
- Variations In Declaration Of Main Method In Java
- Overloading The Main Method In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Method Overriding In Java?
- Example Of Method Overriding In Java
- Ideal Use Cases Of Method Overriding In Java
- Rules For Method Overriding In Java
- Super Keyword & Method Overriding In Java
- Constructor & Method Overriding In Java
- Exception Handling In Method Overriding In Java
- Access Modifiers In Method Overriding In Java
- Advantages & Disadvantages Of Method Overriding In Java
- Difference Between Method Overloading Vs. Method Overriding In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Method Overloading In Java?
- Different Ways Of Method Overloading In Java
- Overloading The main() Method In Java
- Type Promotion & Method Overloading In Java
- Null Error & Method Overloading In Java
- Advantages Of Method Overloading In Java
- Disadvantages Of Method Overloading In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Difference Between Overloading And Overriding In Java (Comparison Table)
- What Is Method Overloading In Java?
- What Is Method Overriding In Java?
- Key Differences Between Overloading & Overriding In Java Explained
- Difference Between Overloading And Overriding In Java Code Example
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is A One-Dimensional Array In Java?
- Key Characteristics Of One-Dimensional Arrays In Java
- Declaration Of One-Dimensional Array In Java
- Initialization Of One-Dimensional Array In Java
- Common Operations On One-Dimensional Array In Java
- Advantages Of One-Dimensional Arrays In Java
- Disadvantages Of One-Dimensional Arrays In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is A Multidimensional Array In Java?
- Difference Between Single-Dimensional And Multidimensional Arrays In Java
- Declaring Multidimensional Arrays In Java
- Initializing Multidimensional Arrays In Java
- Accessing And Manipulating Elements In Multidimensional Arrays In Java
- Working Of Multidimensional Arrays With Jagged Arrays In Java
- Why Use Multidimensional Arrays In Java?
- Limitations Of Multidimensional Arrays In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Are Jagged Arrays In Java?
- Comparison With Regular Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Declaring Jagged Arrays In Java
- Initialization Of Jagged Arrays In Java
- Printing Elements Of A Jagged Array In Java
- Accessing And Modifying Elements Of A Jagged Array In Java
- Advantages Of Jagged Arrays In Java
- Disadvantages Of Jagged Arrays In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Array Of Objects In Java?
- Declare And Initialize An Array Of Object In Java
- Example Of An Array Of Objects In Java
- Sorting An Array Of Objects In Java
- Passing Arrays Of Objects To Methods In Java
- Returning Arrays Of Objects From Methods In Java
- Advantages Of Arrays Of Objects In Java
- Disadvantages Of Arrays Of Objects In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is A Dynamic Array In Java?
- Why Use Dynamic Array In Java?
- What Is The Size And Capacity Of A Dynamic Array In Java?
- How To Create A Dynamic Array In Java?
- Managing Dynamic Data Input In Java
- Storing And Processing Real-Time Data In Java
- Use Cases Of Dynamic Arrays In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Why Return An Array In Java?
- How To Return An Array In Java
- Example 1: Returning An Array Of First N Squares
- Example 2: Doubling the Values of an Array
- Common Scenarios For Returning Arrays In Java
- Points To Remember When Returning Arrays In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding ArrayList In Java
- Differences Between Arrays And ArrayList In Java
- Returning An ArrayList In Java
- Common Use Cases For Returning An ArrayList In Java
- Pitfalls To Avoid When Returning An ArrayList In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is A Thread In Java?
- Thread Vs Process
- What is a Thread Life Cycle In Java?
- What Are Thread Priorities?
- Creating Threads In Java
- Java Thread Methods
- Commonly Used Constructors In Thread Class
- Thread Synchronization In Java
- Common Challenges Faced While Using Threads In Java
- Best Practices For Using Threads In Java
- Real-World Applications Of Threads In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding Multithreading In Java
- Methods Of Multithreading In Java (Examples)
- Difference Between Multithreading And Multitasking In Java
- Handling Exceptions In Multithreading
- Best Practices For Multithreading In Java
- Real-World Use Cases of Multithreading In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Thread Priority In Java?
- Built-In Thread Priority Constants In Java
- Thread Priority: Setter & Getter Methods
- Limitations Of Thread Priority In Java
- Best Practices For Using Thread Priority In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is Thread Synchronization In Java?
- The Need For Thread Synchronization In Java
- Types Of Thread Synchronization In Java
- Mutual Exclusion In Thread Synchronization In Java
- Coordination Synchronization (Thread Communication) In Java
- Advantages Of Thread Synchronization In Java
- Disadvantages Of Thread Synchronization In Java
- Alternatives To Synchronization In Java
- Deadlock And Thread Synchronization In Java
- Real-World Use Cases Of Thread Synchronization In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is A Daemon Thread In Java?
- User Threads Vs. Daemon Threads In Java
- Methods For Daemon Threads In The Thread Class
- Creating Daemon Threads In Java
- Checking The Daemon Status Of A Thread
- Exceptions In Daemon Threads
- Limitations Of Daemon Threads In Java
- Practical Applications Of Daemon Threads In Java
- Common Mistakes To Avoid When Working With Daemon Threads In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Why Do Threads Need To Communicate?
- Understanding Inter Thread Communication In Java
- The wait() Method In Inter-Thread Communication
- The notify() Method In Inter-Thread Communication
- The notifyAll() Method In Inter-Thread Communication
- Difference Between wait() And sleep() Methods In Java
- Best Practices For Inter Thread Communication In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding The Factorial Concept
- Approaches To Implementing Factorial In Java
- Find Factorial In Java Using Iterative Approach (Using a Loop)
- Find Factorial In Java Using Recursive Approach
- Complexity Analysis Of Factorial Programs In Java
- Applications Of Factorial Program In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding The Leap Year Concept
- Approach To Check A Leap Year In Java
- Alternative Approach To Check A Leap Year In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What Is The Difference Between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
- What Is JVM (Java Virtual Machine)?
- What Is JRE (Java Runtime Environment)?
- What Is JDK (Java Development Kit)?
- Understanding The Difference Between JDK, JRE, And JVM
- Comparison Table For Difference Between JDK, JRE, And JVM
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Difference Between Abstraction And Encapsulation In Java
- Understanding Abstraction In Java
- Understanding Encapsulation In Java
- When To Use Abstraction And Encapsulation?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Differences Between Abstract Class And Interface In Java
- What Is An Abstract Class In Java?
- What Is An Interface In Java?
- When To Use An Abstract Class?
- When To Use Interface?
- Compatibility Between Abstract Class And Interface In Java
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Error Vs. Exception In Java
- What Is Error In Java?
- What Is Exception In Java?
- Best Practices For Handling Exceptions In Java
- Why Errors Should Not Be Handled In Java?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Key Differences: Java Vs. JavaScript
- What Is Java?
- What Is JavaScript?
- Difference Between Java And JavaScript Explained
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Brief Introduction To C++
- Brief Introduction To Java
- Difference Between C++ and Java
- Overview & Features Of C++ Language
- Overview & Features of Java Language
- Example of C++ and Java Program
- Key Difference Between C++ And Java Explained
- Similarities Between Java Vs. C++
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Test Your Skills: Quiz Time
Table of content:
- Basic Java interview questions and answers
- Intermediate Java interview questions and answers
- Advanced Java interview questions and answers
Table of content:
- Difference between core Java and advanced Java
- Important Core Java Questions
- Tips for Preparing for Core Java
Identifiers In Java | Types, Conventions, Errors & More (+Examples)

Identifiers in Java programming (and even other languages) are essential elements serving as names for various components of code. These components include variables, functions, classes, objects, etc., to distinguish them within the code. The identifiers are more than just labels; they interact deeply with Java's syntax and semantics, playing a critical role in making code efficient, readable, and maintainable.
In this article, we will explore the rules and standards for Java identifiers, including reserved keywords (their effect on identifier naming conventions), syntactic guidelines, naming standards, and best practices for clear and maintainable code. We will also discuss typical identifier usage errors and hazards, focusing on the "identifier expected" error in your code, its causes, and easy ways to prevent it.
What Are Identifiers In Java?
Identifiers are the names given to various elements in Java programming, such as variables, methods, classes, interfaces, packages, and objects.
- These names are essential as they allow us to identify and differentiate between different elements within our code.
- Software developers refer to these code parts by these names. Programmers may make code easier to comprehend and maintain by assigning a human-readable name to data structures using identifiers.
- Note that a variable cannot have the same name as another variable inside the same procedure, even though they may be used in different ways.
- This means that each identifier must be unique within its scope.
Let’s look at a simple Java program example to better understand the concept of identifiers.
Code Example:
public class Car {
private int speed;
private String color;
public Car(String color) {
this.color = color;
this.speed = 0;
public void accelerate(int increment) {
speed += increment;
public String displayInfo() {
return "Car color: " + color + " - Speed: " + speed + " km/h";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Car myCar = new Car("Red");
- In the example, we first defined a class named Car (identifier) using the public access modifier and class keyword for declaration.
- Inside the class, we declare two private instance variables, speed and color (identifiers), of types int and String, respectively.
- Then, we have a class constructor (of the same name/ identifier as the class), which initializes the color instance variable with the provided argument and sets the speed instance variable to 0.
- Next, we define a method with name/ identifier accelerate(), which increases the speed instance variable by the value provided by the variable increment (identifier).
- We then define another method identified as displayInfo(), which returns a string that includes the car's color and current speed in a formatted string using concatenation.
- In the main method, we create an instance of the Car class named myCar (identifier) with the color field initialized with Red, using the new keyword. This calls the constructor and initializes the color variable to "Red" and speed to 0.
- Next, we call the accelerate() method on the myCar object with an argument of 50, which increases the speed variable by 50. Note that here, we use the method identifier/name to call it.
- Finally, we print the car's information to the console by calling the displayInfo() method on the myCar object and passing its return value to System.out.println. This outputs the car's color and current speed in a formatted string.
Here is a list of the identifiers in Java program above:
- Car: This is the name of the class.
- speed: This is a variable that stores the speed of the car. Note how it is a meaningful identifier, as it depicts the purpose of the variable.
- color: This is a variable that stores the color of the car.
- Car (constructor): This is a constructor method for the Car class, which initializes new objects.
- accelerate: A method that increases the car's speed by a specified increment
- increment: A parameter in the accelerate method that represents the amount by which to increase the speed.
- displayInfo: This is a method that returns information about the car.
- myCar: The instance of the Car class.
Each of these identifiers is chosen to be descriptive and clear (symbolic names), indicating what the variable or method is likely used for or what kind of data it handles.
Syntax Rules For Identifiers In Java
Identifiers in Java follow specific syntax rules that dictate how they can be named. Adhering to these rules is essential to ensure that your code is syntactically correct and avoids any compile-time errors. Here are some of the key syntax rules for identifiers in Java, along with examples of identifiers, both correct and incorrect usage:
Identifiers must start with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($):
- Correct Example: myVariable, _variable, $variable
- Incorrect Example: 9pins (starts with a digit)
- After the first character, identifiers can contain letters, digits, underscores, or dollar signs:
- Correct Example: var123, var_123, var$123
- Incorrect Example: var-123 (hyphen is not allowed)
Identifiers are case-sensitive:
- Correct Example: myvariable and myVariable are different identifiers.
- Incorrect Example: Treating myVariable and MyVariable as the same identifier.
Identifiers cannot be a Java-reserved word:
- Correct Example: myClass, userInput
- Incorrect Example: class, int (these are reserved keywords)
Identifiers should not contain white space between characters/ words:
- Correct Example: userName
- Incorrect Example: user name (white space between words)
Java identifiers can be of any length:
- Correct Example: x, score, numberOfUsers
- Incorrect Example: While there's no length limit, excessively long identifiers can make code hard to read, though technically they are not incorrect.
Avoid using special symbols/ characters other than the underscore and the dollar symbol:
- Correct Example: _name, $value
- Incorrect Example: name# (hash symbol is not allowed)
By adhering to these rules, you can ensure that your identifiers are valid in the Java programming language. Following these guidelines helps avoid syntax errors, maintain consistency, and make your code easier to understand.
Now that we know the basics of identifiers in Java and the syntax rules/ standard conventions let's explore the two primary types of identifiers in detail.
Valid Identifiers in Java
An identifier that follows the specific syntax rules dictating its structure and composition is referred to as a valid identifier in Java.
- In other words, a valid identifier must start with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($) and can include letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs.
- These identifiers are used to name variables, methods, classes, and other elements in a Java program.
- It is important to note that identifiers are case-sensitive, meaning that the Java compiler recognizes variable, Variable, and VARIABLE as distinct names.
Here's a table that illustrates various examples of valid identifiers in Java:
Valid Identifier |
Explanation |
age |
Begins with a letter |
_age |
Begins with an underscore |
$age |
Begins with a dollar sign |
age3 |
Combines letters and digits |
a3g_e |
Includes an underscore within the name |
Completely uppercase |
aGe1 |
Mixed case with digits |
Each of these identifiers adheres to the rules set forth for naming, making them valid for use in Java programs. Let's look at a sample Java program illustrating these identifiers.
Code Example:
public class Person {
private String name;
private int age;
public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
public void displayInfo() {
System.out.println("Name: " + name + ", Age: " + age);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person person = new Person("Aditi", 30);
Name: Aditi, Age: 30
In this Java example-
- First, we define a public class named Person (identifier) using the class keyword (not identifier).
- The class has two private instance variables/ fields: name (string variable) and age (integer variable).
- Then, we have a class constructor, Person, which initializes the fields (name and age) of the instance object/ variable with the values passed as arguments.
- Next, we define a method displayInfo() that prints the fields of the instance variable to the console using System.out.println() and string concatenation.
- In the main method, we instantiate an object person (of class person) with the name Aditi and age 30 using the new keyword.
- Lastly, we call the displayInfo() method is called on the person object printing the fields to the console.
The Java identifiers used in this code are:
- Person: This is the class name. It starts with a capital letter, which is a common convention for class names in Java.
- name and age: These are variable identifiers that are a part of the class. They use simple, lowercase identifiers, following the convention, for instance, variables.
- Person (constructor): This special method uses the same name as the class to initialize new objects of class Person.
- displayInfo: This method name is in camelCase, starting with a lowercase letter and capitalizing the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word, which is standard for method names.
- main: The main method is the entry point for any standalone Java application. The identifier main is conventional and reserved for this specific purpose.
This example demonstrates how different types of valid identifiers can be used effectively in a Java program to enhance readability and maintainability.
Invalid Identifiers in Java
As discussed in the previous section, an identifier must follow specific guidelines to be deemed valid for identification purposes in Java. Identifiers that do not comply with these requirements will result in compilation problems. They are hence referred to as invalid identifiers in the Java language.
Below is a table providing examples of incorrect identifiers in Java and the explanations for each one:
Invalid Identifier |
Reason For Invalidity |
3age |
Begins with a digit |
my-age |
Contains a hyphen, which is not allowed |
class |
Reserved/ predefined class declaration keyword |
first name |
Contains a space, which is not allowed |
@username |
Contains special character '@', which is not allowed |
These identifiers do not conform to the syntax rules for naming identifiers in Java, hence they are considered invalid. Below is a Java code snippet that contains an example of an invalid identifier:
Code Example:
public class InvalidIdentifiersExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int 3age = 25; // Invalid identifier: starts with a digit
String my-age = "John"; // Invalid identifier: contains a hyphen
int class = 10; // Invalid identifier: reserved keyword
String first name = "Alice"; // Invalid identifier: contains a space
String @username = "user123"; // Invalid identifier: contains a special character
- 3age: This identifier is invalid because it begins with a digit.
- my-age: This identifier is invalid because it contains a hyphen.
- class: This identifier is invalid because it is a reserved keyword in Java.
- first name: This identifier is invalid because it contains a space.
- @username: This identifier is invalid because it contains a special character '@'.
These names violate the rules for valid identifiers in Java. When you try to compile this code, you will encounter compilation errors indicating the invalid identifiers. These errors must be corrected by adhering to the syntax rules for identifiers in Java.
By understanding these common mistakes, you can avoid them in your own code, ensuring that your identifiers are always valid and your Java programs compile without errors.
Java Reserved Keywords
In Java, keywords are predefined, reserved words that have specific meanings and roles within the language. These keywords cannot be used as identifiers (e.g., variable names, method names, or class names) because they are integral to Java’s syntax and semantics. Attempting to use a reserved keyword as an identifier will result in a compilation error.
Here's a table listing the reserved keywords in Java:
Keyword |
Description |
abstract |
Used to declare abstract classes and methods |
assert |
Used for debugging purposes |
boolean |
Used to declare boolean variables |
break |
Used to terminate a loop or switch statement |
byte |
Used to declare byte variables |
case |
Used in switch statements to define different cases |
catch |
Used to catch exceptions in exception handling |
char |
Used to declare character variables |
class |
Used to declare a class |
const |
Reserved for future use, not currently used |
continue |
Used to skip the current iteration of a loop |
default |
Used in switch statements as a default case |
do |
Used to start a do-while loop |
double |
Used to declare double data type variables, i.e., double-precision floating-point values |
else |
Used in conditional statements as an alternative |
enum |
Used to declare enumerated types |
extends |
Used to extend a class or interface |
final |
Used to declare constants or to prevent inheritance or method overriding |
finally |
Used in exception handling to execute code regardless of an exception |
float |
Used to declare float data type variables, i.e., single-precision floating-point values |
for |
Used to start a for loop |
if |
Used in conditional statements to perform actions based on a condition |
goto |
Reserved for future use, not currently used |
implements |
Used to implement an interface |
import |
Used to import classes, interfaces, or packages |
instanceof |
Used to test if an object is an instance of a particular class |
int |
Used to declare integer variables |
interface |
Used to declare interfaces |
long |
Used to declare long integer variables |
native |
Used to declare native methods |
new |
Used to create new objects |
null |
Used to represent a null reference |
package |
Used to declare a package |
private |
Used to declare private access to classes, variables, and methods |
protected |
Used to declare protected access to classes, variables, and methods |
public |
Used to declare public access to classes, variables, and methods |
return |
Used to return a value from a method |
short |
Used to declare short integer variables |
static |
Used to declare static variables and methods |
strictfp |
Used to restrict floating-point calculations to ensure portability |
super |
Used to refer to the superclass in a subclass |
switch |
Used to switch between multiple cases |
synchronized |
Used to specify synchronized access to methods or blocks |
this |
Used to refer to the current instance of the class |
throw |
Used to throw an exception |
throws |
Used to declare exceptions that a method may throw |
transient |
Used to specify that a variable is not part of the serialized state of an object |
try |
Used to start a block of code to be tested for exceptions |
void |
Used to declare methods that do not return a value |
volatile |
Used to indicate that a variable may change asynchronously |
while |
Used to start a while loop |
By understanding and adhering to Java's reserved keywords, you can avoid syntax errors and ensure that your code adheres to the language's standards.
Example of Reserved Keyword Error
Let’s try to understand it better with the help of an example. Consider the following Java code snippet:
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int switch = 10; // Using switch keyword as an identifier
In this example, the identifier switch is a reserved keyword. Attempting to use it as a variable name will result in compilation errors. The Java compiler will indicate that switch cannot be used as an identifier due to its role as a reserved keyword. The errors might look like this: error: <identifier> expected
int switch = 10; // Using "switch" as an identifier
^ error: ';' expected
int switch = 10; // Using "switch" as an identifier
^ error: reached end of file while parsing
3 errors
These errors occur because the compiler expects a valid identifier but encounters a reserved keyword instead. To fix this erroneous code, choose an alternative name that does not conflict with Java's reserved keywords and does not lead to a syntax error.
Naming Conventions & Best Practices For Identifiers In Java
In Java programming language, naming conventions and best practices help ensure that code is readable, maintainable, and consistent. While syntax rules dictate the fundamental structure of identifiers, naming conventions focus on making identifiers descriptive and meaningful. Adhering to both improves code quality and collaboration within development teams.
Common Naming Conventions and Best Practices in Java:
CamelCase: You must use camelCase to name variables, methods, and packages.
- Format: Start with a lowercase letter and capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word.
- Example: myVariable, calculateTotalAmount(), com.example.package
PascalCase: We often use PascalCase to name classes and interfaces.
- Format: Start with an uppercase letter and capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word.
- Example: MyClass, MyInterface
ALL_CAPS: Use all capital letters to name constants.
- Format: Use all capital letters and separate words with underscores.
- Example: MAX_VALUE, PI
Meaningful Names: It is best practice to choose descriptive names for variables, methods, and classes to enhance code readability and maintainability. For example, instead of temp, use temperatureInCelsius.
Avoid Single-letter Names: Avoid using single-letter names for variables (except loop variables in short loops), as they often lack clarity. Instead, use descriptive. meaningful names that convey the purpose of the variable. For example, use index instead of just i for non-loop-related variables.
Package Naming: Use a reverse domain name format for package naming to avoid naming conflicts. For example: com.example.package.
Class and Interface Naming: Use nouns or noun phrases for classes and interfaces, as they represent objects or types. For example: UserProfile, DataProcessor, etc.
Method Naming: Use verbs or verb phrases for methods, as they represent actions or behaviors. For example: calculateTotal(), fetchData()
Abbreviations: Avoid excessive or unclear abbreviations. Use commonly understood abbreviations or spell out words fully for clarity. For example, use authentication instead of auth.
Consistency: Maintain consistency in naming conventions throughout your codebase to improve readability and maintainability.
By adhering to these naming conventions and best practices, you can ensure that your Java code is both easy to understand and consistent with industry standards. This not only makes your code more readable but also improves collaboration and maintenance.
What Is An Identifier Expected Error In Java?
When a compiler encounters a situation where it expects an identifier (such as a variable name, method name, or class name) but something else is provided, the compiler will encounter an "Identifier Expected" error in Java.
In other words, the "Identifier Expected" error occurs when the compiler anticipates an identifier but something else is provided. This error typically arises from syntax issues or incorrect naming conventions. The code snippet below demonstrates the "Identifier Expected" error.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int 1stNumber = 10; // Attempting to use a number as the variable name
Compilation Errors- When you try to compile this code, the compiler will generate the following errors: error: <identifier> expected
int 1stNumber = 10; // Attempting to use a number as the variable name
^ error: ';' expected
int 1stNumber = 10; // Attempting to use a number as the variable name
2 errors
Explanation: The error message indicates that the compiler expected a valid identifier but found a number (1stNumber) instead. In Java, identifiers must start with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($), and cannot start with a digit. This is why 1stNumber is invalid.
Corrected Code Example:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int firstNumber = 10; // Changed variable name to start with a letter
In this corrected version, the variable name firstNumber starts with a letter, which is a valid identifier according to Java syntax rules.
So, the "Identifier Expected" error is caused by using invalid syntax for identifiers. To avoid this error, ensure that all identifiers in your code start with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign, and avoid starting identifiers with digits or using invalid characters. Following these guidelines will help maintain correct syntax and avoid compilation errors.
Reasons The Identifier Expected Error Occurs
As mentioned above, the "Identifier Expected" error in Java often results from issues related to incorrect syntax or invalid use of identifiers. Below are some common scenarios where this error might occur:
1. Invalid Identifier Naming
Identifiers in Java must begin with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). Starting an identifier with a digit or using invalid characters leads to an error.
Code Example:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int 9lives = 7; // Incorrect: starts with a digit
Error Message:
error: <identifier> expected
int 9lives = 7;
Explanation: The identifier 9lives is invalid because it starts with a digit, which is not allowed.
2. Missing Identifier in Declarations
Forgetting to provide an identifier name during variable or method declarations will cause this error.
Code Example:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int = 10; // Incorrect or missing identifier
Error Message:
error: <identifier> expected
int = 10;
Explanation: The declaration int = 10 lacks an identifier for the variable, causing a syntax error.
3. Incorrect Syntax in Class or Method Declarations
Using reserved keywords or incorrect syntax for class or method declarations results in this error.
Code Example:
public class public { // Incorrect: "public" cannot be used as a class name
// body of class
Error Message:
error: <identifier> expected
public class public {
Explanation: The class name public is a reserved keyword (for access specifiers) and cannot be used as an identifier for a class.
4. Missing Method Name
Omitting the method name while declaring a method but providing parameters and a body leads to this error.
public class Example {
public void (int value) { // Incorrect: missing method name
Error Message:
error: <identifier> expected
public void (int value) {
Explanation: The method declaration public void (int value) is missing a method name, which causes a syntax error.
How To Fix/ Resolve Identifier Expected Errors In Java?
To fix "Identifier Expected" errors, ensure that the syntax adheres strictly to Java’s rules for identifiers and declarations. Here are solutions for the issues listed above:
1. Correct Naming Conventions
Ensure that all variable names start with a valid character, such as a letter, underscore, or dollar sign. Avoid using reserved keywords as identifiers.
Corrected Example:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nineLives = 7; // Corrected
2. Complete Missing Identifiers
Always include an identifier name when declaring a variable or method to avoid syntax errors.
Corrected Example:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number = 10; // Added identifier name
The name number included in the updated example completes the variable declaration, making the syntax valid.
3. Use Valid Identifiers for Classes, Methods, and Interfaces
Avoid using reserved keywords or invalid syntax for naming classes, methods, or interfaces.
Corrected Example:
public class MyClass { // Changed from public to MyClass
// body of class
The class name has been changed from public to MyClass, which is a valid identifier in Java written in PascalCase.
4. Ensure Correct Method Declarations
Include the method name when declaring a method to avoid syntax errors.
Corrected Example:
public class Example {
public void printValue(int value) { // Added method name
By following these guidelines and correcting syntax errors, you can resolve "Identifier Expected" issues effectively and enhance the clarity and correctness of your Java code.
Identifiers in Java- such as variable names, method names, class names, and interface names-are fundamental to writing clear and maintainable code. Proper usage of identifiers ensures that code is not only syntactically correct but also readable and functional.
- Identifiers must adhere to Java's rules, i.e., they should start with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($), and must not begin with a digit or use reserved keywords.
- Those identifiers that follow syntax rules and naming conventions are valid identifiers, and if not, they are referred to as invalid identifiers in Java.
- A situation where the compiler encounters an invalid identifier due to naming or syntactical issues results in an Identifier Expected error.
- Common causes include starting identifiers with numbers, using reserved keywords, or omitting identifier names in declarations.
To ensure correct use of identifiers in Java, you must follow naming conventions—such as using camelCase for variables and methods, PascalCase for classes and interfaces, and ALL_CAPS for constants. This way, developers can avoid these errors and enhance their code's readability and maintainability.
Also read: Top 100+ Java Interview Questions And Answers (2024)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How many types of identifiers are there in Java?
The names assigned to various components, like variables, methods, classes, packages, and interfaces, are known as identifiers in Java. These identifiers can be broadly categorized based on their usage and conventions:
- Class Names: Identifiers used to define class names should typically start with uppercase letters and follow the PascalCase convention, for example, String, ArrayList, etc. This helps in distinguishing class names from other types of identifiers.
- Interface Names: Similar to class names, interface names also start with uppercase letters and use the PascalCase contention, for example, Runnable and Serializable.
- Method Names: These should typically start with a lowercase letter and follow the camelCase convention. For example, toString() and addActionListener().
- Variable Names: These also begin with lowercase letters and follow the camelCase convention. For instance, firstName and orderNumber.
- Constants: They are usually defined using only uppercase letters with underscores to separate words (e.g., MAX_PRIORITY, MIN_VALUE). These are typically declared as static final.
- Package Names: Package names are typically all lowercase, to avoid conflicts with class names. For example, java.util, org.springframework.
- Generic Type Names: In generics, type parameter names are typically single uppercase letters. Common conventions include T for a generic data type, E for element type, K for key, and V for value.
- Enums: Enum names generally follow the same conventions as constants because they represent fixed sets of constants (e.g., ENUM_CONSTANT).
Q. Is 10 a valid identifier in Java?
No, 10 is not a valid identifier in Java because identifiers cannot begin with a digit. They must start with a letter (A-Z or a-z), an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). While digits can be included in an identifier, they cannot appear at the beginning. For example, number10 is a valid identifier, but 10number is not.
Q. What are the five rules of identifiers in Java language?
In Java, identifiers are the names given to variables, methods, classes, packages, and interfaces. They must follow certain rules to be valid. Here are the five primary rules for identifiers in Java:
- Alphanumeric Characters Only: Identifiers can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), and the dollar sign ($). No other characters, including spaces, are allowed.
- Cannot Start with a Digit: An identifier must begin with a letter (A-Z or a-z), an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). It cannot start with a digit.
- No Reserved Keywords: Identifiers in Java cannot be the same as the reserved keywords, like class, void, and static. This is because they have predefined meanings in Java's programming syntax.
- Case Sensitivity: Java identifiers are case-sensitive. This means that variable, Variable, and VARIABLE are considered different identifiers.
- No Length Limitation: While identifiers in Java can be of any length, shorter and meaningful names are generally preferred for readability.
Following these rules ensures that Java code is syntactically correct and avoids compilation errors related to invalid identifiers.
Q. Which identifier can be used as a class identifier in Java?
Class identifiers in Java must adhere to the same basic rules as other identifiers but follow additional conventions:
- Alphanumeric Characters and Symbols: Class names can include letters, digits, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($), just like any other identifiers in Java. However, using underscores and dollar signs in class names is uncommon.
- No Reserved Keywords: As per syntax rules, reserved keywords cannot be used as class identifiers in Java programs.
- Not Allowed to Begin with a Digit: Class names must start with a letter or an underscore (though a letter is preferred).
- Case Sensitivity: Java is case-sensitive, meaning MyClass and myclass are considered completely different classes.
- Naming Convention (PascalCase): By convention, class names start with an uppercase letter and follow PascalCase notation. For example, MyClass, AudioSystem, and Character.
Q. How do you identify Java identifiers?
Identifiers in Javam follow specific rules to write clear and error-free code:
- Composition: Can include letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), underscores (_), and dollar signs ($). They cannot start with a digit.
- No Reserved Keywords: Identifiers cannot be Java reserved words like class or int.
- Case Sensitivity: Identifiers are case-sensitive (variable is different from Variable).
- Unlimited Length: No length limit, but shorter, meaningful names are recommended.
- Conventions: Class names start with uppercase (PascalCase), methods and variables start with lowercase (camelCase), and constants are all uppercase with underscores (e.g., MAX_HEIGHT).
Q. What is an example of an invalid identifier in Java?
An example of an invalid identifier in Java would be a variable name starting with a digit, such as 123abc, violating the rule that identifiers cannot begin with a number.
Q. What is an example of a valid identifier in Java?
Some examples of valid identifiers in Java are myVariable, user1, _temp, $result, MAX_VALUE, myMethod(), Car, etc. These examples adhere to the syntax rules for definition identifiers in Java.
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