Stay updated: JEE 2020 Main structure, dates and exam pattern

With the world reeling under the havoc caused by the pandemic, no one is spared. Almost every sector is affected by the repercussions of COVID-19 to some degree, and so is the edutcation sector. To combat the riveting ripples of the pandemic, the education system has fine-tuned itself better than ever. National Testing Agency (NTA), the conducting body of JEE has also marked perceptible changes in the JEE 2020 main structure, dates, and exam pattern to offer the aspiring candidates experience as calm as a millpond amidst this chaos.
Generally known as AIEEE among the engineering aspirants, this national level competition is a golden gateway to IITs, NITs, and GFTIs. After witnessing a diverse timeline and undergoing changes, JEE finally became an online-based examination in 2019, conducted bi-yearly. But to address the alarming consequences of COVID-19, NTA has once again warped the JEE 2020 main structure, dates, and exam pattern. Here are the important updates:
- The JEE 2020 Main is now rescheduled from September 1 - September 6, 2020
- The first shift will be conducted from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- The second shift will be from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Admit cards can be downloaded 15 days before the examination
- The official sites for downloading admit cards are: and
Getting ready for JEE 2020
With the JEE preparations in its last leg, we hope that you are aware of the initiative by the Union HRD Minister. If not, here is what you need to know:
- To enable candidates to take mocks, an AI-powered mobile app ‘National Test Abhyas’ has been developed by NTA
- It consists of high-quality tests which are free of cost
- They can be easily downloaded on smartphones and computers and can be completed without an internet connection
- Currently, the app is only available on Google Play Store but will be soon launched on iOS as well
- The students are required to sign-in with basic details
- Once the test is completed, you can go online to submit your test and analyze the detailed report
- Apart from JEE Main, it can also be used for NEET preparations
To download the app, visit
Exam pattern for JEE 2020
This year there will be 3 papers under JEE Main one for B.Tech, B.E and B.Plan, and B.Arch each. The duration of all the papers will be 3 hours and will consist of MCQs and NVTs. The candidates can also choose from Hindi, English, and Gujarati as the language of the paper. The detailed breakdown of each paper is as follows:
JEE 2020 Main pattern for B.Tech/B.E
JEE 2020 Main pattern for B.Arch
JEE 2020 Main pattern for B.Plan
The aspirants for JEE B.Plan can also look out for sample questions here:
Note: The candidates will now be allowed to appear for either one or both the sessions where only their best score will be considered as the final mark.
With various modifications in the pattern and the number of questions to be asked in the exam, the marking scheme will remain the same for each paper:
- You will be awarded +4 for every correct answer
- -1 for every wrong answer will be deducted
- There will be deductions for unanswered questions or for marked for review answers
- NVTs will have no negative marking
When even the government is trying to bridge the gap in knowledge by improvising the JEE 2020 main structure, dates, and exam pattern, now it’s your turn to make sure that you do not leave any stone unturned to make a place in your dream college.
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