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TISSNET 2021 hall ticket released online, available till 15th February 2021

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TISSNET 2021 hall ticket released online, available till 15th February 2021

Tata Institute of Social Sciences has released admit card for TISSNET 2021 which is available for the students to download online till 15th February 2021. The exam will be conducted on 20th February from 2 pm - 3:40 pm in computer-based test mode across several centers all over India. 

Candidates can visit the official site to download their admit cards. The step by step detailed process to do the same is mentioned below:

  1. Visit the official website of Tata Institute of Social Sciences: www.tiss.edu
  2. Click the TISSNET 2021 admit card download link
  3. From the admissions link select the view application link
  4. Login with email ID and password
  6. A self-declaration form will appear. Applicants are advised to go through it carefully.
  7. Tap “Prepare Hall Ticket” and then tap “Download”

In case a student does not receive the call letter, they are requested to contact the conducting body through their Helpline no: 022 2552 5252 or mail to admissioninfo@tiss.edu 

Essential documents to be carried on the D day 

Students need to keep a check of the important documents that they need to carry along on the day of the exam:

  1. Hall Ticket printout
  2. Photo ID proof - Can be any of the following:
  • Aadhar card
  • PAN card
  • Passport
  • Driving license
  • Valid college ID 

Note: Scanned copy/Photocopy/Soft copy of any type of Photo ID proof is not valid.

TISSNET exam details

TISSNET is one of the criteria for selection to various Masters's programmes offered by the institute: MA / MSc / BEd - MEd integrated / MHA / MPM.

TISSNET has a total of 100 objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) from three sections:

  1. General Awareness (40 Questions)
  2. Mathematics & Logical Reasoning (30 Questions)
  3. English Proficiency (30 Questions)

The questions can be attempted in any order from any of the above-mentioned sections.

There is no negative marking and the entire question paper is in the English language.

Selection Process

The candidate needs to successfully pass the following three levels to get selected for any of the master's degree programmes at TISS:

  1. The student needs to pass the TISS National Entrance Test (TISS - NET)
  2. The student needs to pass the TISS Programme Aptitude Test (TISS - PAT)
  3. The last stage is the TISS Online Personal Interview (OPI)

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