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Hello, World! Program In Python | 7 Easy Methods (With Examples)

Hello, World! Program In Python | 7 Easy Methods (With Examples)

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It is a popular choice among both novices and experienced developers due to its versatility and accessibility in the wide and ever-changing world of computer languages. The Hello, World program in Python is a fundamental and iconic routine that forms the foundation of each programmer's journey. So, in this article, we have set out on a quest to explain Python's Hello, World! Program and discover its importance in Python programming

We will begin with basics about the Python language, the steps to download and set up Python, steps to create a program, and then move to discussing the various ways you can write the Hello World program. 

Introduction to Python

Python is a flexible, dynamic, and adaptable programming language well-known for being easy to understand and use. Python's straightforward syntax, amazing programming structures, and extensive library and framework ecosystem have made it a leading tool in many fields, including data research, web development, and machine learning.

Having a strong hold on this language can open multiple avenues for you and help you carry out various development tasks. To begin with, you must have a strong understanding of the basics that you will be using in writing Python programs. The Hello, World program is a good starting point for beginners. In the upcoming sections, we'll break down the code of the Hello World program in Python and explore it in detail.

Downloading & Installing Python, IDLE, Tkinter, NumPy & PyGame

A Python environment must be set up with a few essential steps, which include downloading and installing Tkinter, IDLE, NumPy, and PyGame in addition to Python itself. The essential steps to get started are as follows:

Step 1: Downloading Python

  • Go to the official Python website to select the downloads tab on the homepage.
  • Select the most recent Python version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux), which is often Python 3.x.
  • Launch the executable file after downloading the installer.

Step 2: Installing Python

  • Launch the installer that you downloaded earlier.
  • Make sure that, when installing Python, the ‘Add python.exe to PATH’ option is checked. This is a crucial step since it opens up Python for use from the command line.
  • Comply with the installation instructions to finish the setup.

Screenshot of step 2 of Python setup, before writing the Hello, World! program in Python.

Step 3: IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment)

Usually, the standard Python installation comes with IDLE. You may find it by looking for IDLE in the list of apps or programs on your computer.

Step 4: Installing Tkinter

A Python package called Tkinter is used to create graphical user interfaces. It is typically included with Python. It doesn't require a separate installation.

Step 5: Installing NumPy

NumPy is a well-liked Python library for numerical computations. Python usually comes with pip pre-installed, which you may use to install NumPy. Run the following command in your terminal or command prompt after opening it: pip install numpy

Step 6: Installing PyGame

PyGame is a Python module for making two-dimensional games, and you can use pip to install PyGame. Run the following command in your terminal or command prompt after opening it: pip install pygame

These instructions will help you get your Python programming environment up and running with all the necessary tools so you can get started writing code and creating games or apps in Python. You may use pip to install the necessary libraries if you run into any problems or need to work with more than one.

Creating A New Python Project

A new Python project can be created in a few simple steps. The same applies to the Hello World program in Python. The process to get this done is given below, along with a few screenshots.

Step 1- Create a Project Directory: First, choose or create a directory on your computer to save your Python project. Use the file explorer or terminal on your PC to accomplish this.

Step 2: Open a Text Editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

  • For Python, you may use a variety of text editors or integrated development runtime environments (IDEs), such PyCharm and Visual Studio Code, or simply a basic text editor like Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on macOS.
  • Launch the IDE or text editor of your choice.

Step 3: Write the Python "Hello, World!" Code

  • Make a new file in your IDE or text editor and write the code. For example, print("Hello, World!")
  • Save the file in the project directory that you made, preferably with a (.py) extension, for example, hello.py.

Step 4: Launch the Python application

  • Launch the terminal or command prompt on your PC.
  • Make use of the cd command to go to the project directory. For instance, you may run the following command (Windows) if your ‘hello.py’ file was saved to the desktop: cd Desktop
  • Use this command to run your Python application once you're in the project directory: python hello.py

Step 5- Examine the Results: Upon launching the software, "Hello, World!" ought to appear on your terminal or command prompt.

That’s it! You've successfully written and run a Python "Hello, World!" program. You may now construct even more intricate Python projects, experiment with different Python libraries, and hone your coding abilities.

How To Write Python Hello World Program In Python?

There are multiple ways in which you can create a Hello World program in Python and print the required string message on the console. We will discuss each method in upcoming sections, but first, let's take a look at the general process of developing a Python "Hello, World!" program.

Step 1- Launch an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or text editor: Any text editor or Python integrated development environment (IDE) can be utilized, including Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and even simple text editors like Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on macOS. Open your preferred code editor.

Step 2- Make a New File in Python: Make a new file in your coding editor. This is where your Python code should be written.

Step 3- Write the code for "Hello, World!": Type the following line of Python code into the newly generated file: print("Hello, World!").

Step 4- Save the File: Use the .py extension when saving the file. One possible name for it might be hello.py.

Step 5- Run the Python program: Launch the terminal or command prompt on your PC. Then-

  • Press the Windows key, input cmd, then hit Enter to launch it on Windows. Alternatively, launch the Terminal software on macOS.
  • Open the directory containing your hello.py file. The cd command can be used to switch directories. For instance, if you saved the file on your desktop, you may use Windows to go to the desktop by doing the following: cd Desktop.
  • Use the following command to run your Python application after you're in the right directory: python hello.py.

Step 6- Observe the Output: The program should print "Hello, World!" to the terminal or command prompt after running/ execution.

We have just finished writing and running a Python "Hello, World!" application. This simple program teaches you the basics of using the print function to show text, which makes it a great place for anybody learning Python to start. You may now experiment and create increasingly intricate Python programs.

Explanation Of Code

Let us break down the "Hello, World!" Python code into its basic components and elucidate its operation:

  • Import Statement (Not Present): Since we're not utilizing any external libraries, our code has no import lines.
  • The print() Function: We use the built-in Python method print() to show text or other objects on the terminal. For example, to display the string- Hello, World!, we use syntax- print("Hello, World!").
  • The StringBecause "Hello, World!" is surrounded by double quotes, Python treats it as a string. That is, the text is represented by strings, which are a sequence of characters.
  • Flow of Execution: The Python interpreter reads the whole Python program from start to finish when it is executed. When it comes across the print("Hello, World!") line, it runs it.
  • Output: Python is told to emit Hello, World! to the terminal by the print("Hello, World!") command.

To sum up, the program is really simple. It prints "Hello, World!" to the terminal using the print() method. This is a basic illustration of how to generate output in Python. Comprehending this fundamental technique is crucial when advancing to increasingly intricate Python programming assignments.

Way To Write The Hello, World! Program In Python

One of Python's most popular beginning exercises is to print "Hello, World!" to begin learning the language. It's an easy method to make if you can run basic code and your Python programming environment is configured appropriately. In Python, there are several ways to print "Hello, World!" This includes utilizing f-strings, the sys module, a string variable, and the print() function. Let's look at each of these alternative approaches one by one.

The Hello, World! Program In Python Using Print()

The print() function is a built-in function used to display information on the console. It takes one or more arguments, which can be strings, variables, or complex expressions, and outputs them to the standard output (usually the console). It's quite simple to print Hello, World! in Python by utilizing the print() method.

Code Example:

# Hello, World using print() function
print("Hello, World!")


Hello, World!


In the Python code example-

  1. We begin by including the print() function, a built-in Python function that displays output on the console or output screen.
  2. Inside the parentheses of the print() function, we include a string with double quotes, i.e., "Hello, World!".
  3. When the code is executed, the print() function will output the string "Hello, World!" to the console.

The Hello, World! Program In Python Using Sys Module

The sys module in Python provides us access to multiple variables maintained/ used by the Python interpreter. And multiple functions that help interact with and manipulate different sections of the Python program runtime environment. We can use the sys module to write the Hello World program in Python with the Command-line arguments feature. In the example below, we print the message using the sys.stdout.write() function.

Code Example:


Hello, World!


In the sample Python program-

  1. We begin by including/ importing the sys module, i.e., import sys statement.
  2. The import keyword is used to bring a module (in this case, sys) into the current Python script, making its functions and features available for use.
  3. We then use the write() function/ method from the module to write the string "Hello, World!\n" to the standard output. That is, use sys.stdout.write(), where sys.stdout refers to the standard output stream.
  4. We also use the newline character, causing a line break (the cursor moves to the next line) after printing the message.

The Hello, World! Program In Python Using String Variable

You may use a string variable to write the Hello World program in Python. The process is extremely straightforward; where we first declare a string variable and then print it to the console. Using a string variable can make the code more flexible and manageable since you can simply alter the message you wish to print by changing the contents of the message variable. 

Code Example:


Hello, World!


In the sample Python code-

  1. We first declare a variable hello_message and assign the string value "Hello, World!" to it using double quotes.
  2. After the variable is assigned, we use the print() function to display the content of the variable on the console.
  3. This code demonstrates the use of variables to store and manage data, making the code more flexible and readable.

The Hello, World! Program In Python Using F-String

You can use an f-string to write a Python program that prints "Hello, world!".The f-string allows us to embed/ insert variables and expressions straight into strings, making it a concise and readable way to include variables in the output. In other words, the f-string offers a clear and comprehensible method of formatting output.

Code Example:

message = "Hello, World!"


Hello, World!


In the above Python code-

  • We assign the message variable with the string value "Hello, World!".
  • Then, we use the print() function with an f-string to display the content of the variable on the console.
  • The f-string is created by prefixing the string with the letter f and enclosing the variable name within curly braces: f"{message}".

The output of "Hello, World!" to the console is the same for all of these approaches. The approach you use will rely on your coding style and particular needs. The most popular and simple method for displaying text in Python is to use the print() function.

The Hello, World! Program In Python Using Class

A class in Python is an object creation blueprint or template. It specifies a collection of methods (functions) and properties (variables) that the objects made from the class will possess. Real-world entities are modeled using classes, which combine their data and behavior into a unified entity. As instances of a class, objects can share the methods described in the class but also have their own distinct data.

Code Example:


Hello, World!


In this Python code,

  1. Firstly, we define a class named HelloWorldPrinter. This class encapsulates functionality related to printing a specific message.
  2. The class has two methods, i.e., a constructor method (__init__) and a method to print the stored message (print_message).
  3. The __init__ method is a special method that gets called when an instance of the class is created. Within this method, we initialize an instance variable self.message with the string "Hello, World!".
  4. The print_message method is responsible for printing the value stored in the self.message variable to the console using the print function.
  5. After defining the class, we create an instance of HelloWorldPrinter that is assigned to the variable hello_printer.
  6. Then, we call the print_message method on the instance, which prints the message Hello, World! to the console.

This code shows how to write the Hello World program in Python by encapsulating the printing functionality within a class. You may make instances of the HelloWorldPrinter class, each with a unique message, and use the print_message function to see the message.

The Hello, World! Program In Python Using Function

You may write a function in Python to encapsulate a particular job or collection of instructions. This function can accept a few inputs, sometimes referred to as arguments or parameters, and return a value. To show how to write a Hello World program in Python using functions, we will construct a basic function and then call it to print the message to the console.

Code Example:


Hello, World!


  1. We begin the code by defining a function called print_hello_world.
  2. Inside this function, we declare a local variable named greeting and assign the string- Hello, World!, to it. This variable serves as a container for the greeting message.
  3. We also include the print() function, which then displays the content of the greeting variable.
  4. Following the function definition, we proceed to call the print_hello_world function.
  5. As a result, the function body is executed, and the message "Hello, World!" is printed to the console.

Using functions makes it easier to reuse a section of code and perform tasks (here, printing Hello World) anytime and any number of times.  This is a basic example, and functions can be used to carry out a variety of intricate tasks. 

Print Hello World 5 Times Using A For Loop

A loop is a construct that helps automate a repeated process, such as writing "Hello, World!" several times. For example, we can use a for loop to continually run a piece of code and iterate over a sequence (such as a range of integers). Below is an example of Python code that prints "Hello, World!" five times using a for loop:

Code Example:

for _ in range(5):
print("Hello, World!")


Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!


In this Python code-

  • We begin by setting up a for loop, i.e., for _ in range(5).
  • The range(5) function generates a sequence of numbers from 0 to 4, and the loop iterates over each number in this sequence.
  • Within the loop body, we have the print() function, with the string message- "Hello, World!". This function prints the enclosed message to the console when called.
  • When this program is executed, the statement inside the loop is executed five times, i.e., it prints Hello, World! to the console 5 times.


The Hello, World! Program in Python is a basic step when it comes to learning this language. This program explains the fundamental concepts and techniques of programming in Python. We can write the Hello World program in multiple ways to display the message. The most basic and commonly used method is the use of the print() function.

Other methods include using the write() method from the sys module, string variable, f-strings, classes, functions, and loops. Learning how to write this basic program will help you comprehend the fundamental grammar of Python programming. It introduces variables, functions, and control flow, laying a strong foundation for more difficult programming tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to print Hello, World in the loop?

In a programming language like Python, you can use a basic for loop or while loop to print the string- Hello, World repeatedly. Here's an illustration utilizing both kinds of loops:

Using a for loop:

for i in range(5): # This will print "Hello, World" 5 times
print("Hello, World")

Using a while loop:

count = 0
while count < 5: # This will print "Hello, World" 5 times
print("Hello, World")
count += 1

Both the code snippets above will print the message- Hello, World! five times. You can also adjust the while loop's condition or the number in the range to modify the number of prints.

Q. What are the 4 types of functions?

Based on how they behave and are used, functions in mathematics and computer programming may be divided into four primary categories:

  • Built-in Functions (Library Functions): These are those functions that are pre-installed in programming languages and are easily accessible. They carry out routine processes and activities, including input/output, string manipulation, and mathematical computations. In Python, print() and len() are two examples.
  • User-defined Functions: The functions are defined by users/ programmers to package a collection of instructions into a reusable block of code. Code is more readable and manageable when it is organized and modularized with the use of user-defined functions.
  • Recursive Functions: When user-defined functions repetitively call themselves within their own bodies, they are known as recursive functions. They are frequently employed in the resolution of issues that may be divided into more manageable, related sub-issues. A well-known example is the recursive factorial computation, factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1).
  • Anonymous Functions (Lambda Functions): Functions without a name are sometimes known as anonymous functions. They are usually defined on the fly and used for brief, straightforward activities. Lambda functions are frequently used alongside methods like map(), filter(), and reduce() for efficient data processing. They are widely available in programming languages such as Python.

These four categories of functions encompass a broad spectrum of programming capabilities, enabling programmers to carry out a variety of tasks and produce organized, effective code.

Q. How to print Hello World 100 times in Python?

In Python, you can utilize a for loop to iterate and print the message- Hello, World! 100 times. This method is similar to printing the same for 5 times. Here's how to accomplish it:

for i in range(100):
print("Hello, World")

This code prints the message- Hello, World! to the console on each iteration. Since the range is 100, this code, when executed will prints the variable message 100 times. The loop runs from 0 to 99 times.

Q. How to define a function in Python?

In Python, we must use the def keyword along with the function name, parameter names inside parentheses, and a colon to define a function. The code block for the function is nested behind the def declaration. The basic syntax for creating a function in Python is as follows:

def function_name(parameters):
# Function code goes here
# Indented code block
# ...

An explanation of each part is provided below:

  • def: The keyword def informs Python that a function is being defined.
  • function_name: Refers to the name you have given to the function.
  • Parameters: These are the list of input parameters (also called arguments) that the function requires for execution. They are mentioned inside of the parenthesis, and there can be more than one parameter, separated by commas. Even in the case when the function accepts no input, empty parenthesis, such as (), are still required.
  • Function code: The function's body is the indented chunk of code that appears after the def statement. This is where the function's functionality is defined. It may include computations, statements, and further Python code.

The following is a basic illustration of a function that adds two numbers:

def add_numbers(a, b):
result = a + b
return result

The function name in this example is add_numbers, and its two parameters are a and b. The function uses the return statement to return the result after adding together the values of a and b. This function can be called as follows in other places in your code:

result = add_numbers(5, 3)
print(result) # This will print 8

Thus, this is how a function can be defined in Python.

Q. How to print Hello, World without the main function?

We can write a Hello World program in Python without a main function or any function with the name main. This is because Python code does not require a main function in order to be performed immediately. You can include the following line of code in your script to print the message Hello, World! directly:

print("Hello, World")

This shows, that unlike several other programming languages, Python does not require a main function.

Q. What is a string code?

In computer programming, a string code is usually defined as a series of letters or symbols that represent text. Textual data is frequently stored and managed using strings. In computer languages, they are often denoted by single or double quotation marks to differentiate them from other kinds of data. For example,

my_string = "Hello, World!"

Here, the string literal "Hello, World!" is assigned to the variable my_string. We can then work with and manipulate this string in many ways, including string operations, concatenation, and character extraction.

Some typical string operations are as follows:

  • Concatenation: The process of joining two or more strings.

string1 = "Hello, "
string2 = "World!"
result = string1 + string2 # result will be "Hello, World!"

  • Substring: Extracting a portion of a string.

my_string = "Hello, World!"
substring = my_string[7:12] # substring will be "World"

  • Length: Determining a string's length, or total character count.

my_string = "Hello, World!"
length = len(my_string) # length will be 13

To do particular operations on strings, for instance, you may use the split(), strip(), replace(), and several other string methods in Python. Here's an illustration of how to use the string method:

my_string = " Some spaces in the beginning and end. "
trimmed_string = my_string.strip() # Removes leading and trailing spaces

Depending on the computer language you're using, there are other methods to represent and work with string codes. Still, the basic idea of a string as a collection of special characters never changes.

Q. What is an example of a function in Python ?

In Python, a function is a block of code that carries out one or more specified tasks. The function definition generally consists of the function name, the def keyword, two parentheses for optional parameters, and a colon. Below is an example of a function definition and use in Python.

Code Example:

In this example, we have created a welcome function, which accepts a single input called name. The function will output- Hello, Alice!, to the console when you call it with greet("Alice"). The components of the function are as follows:

  • def greet(name): This is the function's definition, i.s., it has the name greet and a name argument.
  • """This function greets the person passed in as a parameter.""": This is a docstring that gives a quick overview of the function's capabilities. Although it's unnecessary, adding it for documentation's sake is a good idea.
  • print(f"Hello, {name}!"): The function body begins with this print statement, where an f-string is used to print a greeting message along with the supplied name.
  • greet("Alice"): This is how we call the greet() function by passing the value Alice as the name parameter to invoke the greet function.

Python functions may be far more sophisticated and used for a wide range of activities, such as data processing, file operations, computations, and more. They are an essential Python building piece that helps with efficient code organization and reuse.

👋 Python's 'Hello, World!'—How Well Do You Know It?


By now, you must know how to write Hello, World! program in not one but 7 ways. Here are a few other articles you must read:

  1. How To Reverse A String In Python? 10 Easy Ways With Examples!
  2. 10 Important Features Of Python That You Must Know!
  3. Relational Operators In Python | 6 Types, Usage, Examples & More!
  4. 12 Ways To Compare Strings In Python Explained (With Examples)
  5. Python Logical Operators, Short-Circuiting & More (With Examples)
  6. Python Bitwise Operators | Positive & Negative Numbers (+Examples)
Shivani Goyal
Manager, Content

An economics graduate with a passion for storytelling, I thrive on crafting content that blends creativity with technical insight. At Unstop, I create in-depth, SEO-driven content that simplifies complex tech topics and covers a wide array of subjects, all designed to inform, engage, and inspire our readers. My goal is to empower others to truly #BeUnstoppable through content that resonates. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me immersed in art, food, or lost in a good book—constantly drawing inspiration from the world around me.

Engineering Computer Science
Updated On: 4 Feb'25, 10:29 AM IST