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Virtusa Interview Questions 2024 You Need To Know!
Virtusa is among the leading IT and business consulting companies across the globe and is a famous one in the United States. And, if you are planning to join it, then you have landed on the right page. Here we have compiled a list of top Virtusa interview questions that you should go through before your upcoming Virtusa technical interview. Read on...
Technical Interview Questions for Virtusa
Let’s have a look at the most significant and frequently asked technical questions during the Virtusa interview:
What are abstract classes?
Abstract classes have at least one abstract method, which is a method that is stated but does not have any implementation. Abstract methods may be found in abstract classes. Notably, abstract classes cannot be instantiated and it is the responsibility of subclasses to supply implementations for any class abstract method that is defined in the parent class.
Explain anonymous classes in Java.
Before continuing to understand anonymous inner classes, it is necessary to first have a solid foundation in Java's nested classes. It is an inner class, but it does not have a name, and only program objects of that class can ever be produced. Without having to subclass a class explicitly, you may make instances of objects that have certain 'extras,' such as overriding the methods of a class or a functional interface, by using an anonymous inner class instead of subclassing the object's parent class.
Explain the difference between operator overloading and overriding.
The primary distinction between overloading and overriding is that with overloading, we can utilize the same function name several times for various tasks based on a class. However, the arguments that are sent to the method might be different each time. And, overriding indicates that we can use the same key function’s name with the same parameters in the derived class as we do in the base class.
Could you explain the difference between rowid and rownum?
Each row that is added to a table receives its rowid value automatically. Rownum is a dynamic value that is obtained automatically together with the result of the select statement. This item is solely meant to be shown.
What is an example of a waterfall model?
A good illustration of a sequential model is the waterfall approach. According to this model, the activity of developing software is broken up into several different stages and each phase includes a series of activities and has a separate set of goals to achieve.
The waterfall model was the first method used in the software development life cycle (SDLC). It was the very first model that saw widespread use in the software business. It operates in stages, with the output of about one phase serving as the input for the subsequent step in the sequence. Before moving on to the next phase, the current one must be finished successfully. To put it succinctly, the waterfall model does not allow for any overlap.
What do you know about the runnable interface?
Any class whose instances are meant to be run by a thread has to implement the runnable interface for that functionality to be available. The class is required to define a method named run that takes no parameters. This user interface was developed to provide a standard protocol for use by a single object that allows them to carry out operations whenever the object is active.
What do you understand by abstract classes and the methods they use?
In any programming language, abstraction refers to the process of hiding extraneous data from the user. This allows the user to concentrate solely on the most important elements, which in turn increases productivity and decreases complexity. Abstraction may be performed in Java through the use of abstract class and other methods.
What is Servlet and also explain some IP protocols?
Processing incoming HTTP requests are one of the tasks that may be delegated to a Servlet, which is a component of a web application. The execution of the logic that enables a web application to expose its data to end users and manage any necessary interactions with the database is the responsibility of Servlets. Several other programming languages may be used to write Servlets, including Java, PHP, and Ruby.
Can you explain the static member function access?
By using the term 'static,' we can specify class members as static. If we define a member of a class to be static, it implies that no matter how many instances of the class are generated, there will only ever be a single copy of that member.
Every instance of the class uses the same instances as that of a static member. If there is not any additional initialization happening, then every piece of static data has 0 value, when the very first single object is formed. We are unable to include it in the definition of the class; however, it is possible to initialize it outside of the class. This is demonstrated in the following example, where the static variable is redeclared and the scope resolution operator is used to determine which class the static variable belongs to. You can access the library of classes easily for this.
In programming, what is meant by the term 'member variables'?
A member variable is connected with individual objects and is available for all of the object methods in object-oriented programming. Member variables are also frequently referred to as member fields (member functions). To determine the value of such a class member variable, you must first provide the class itself to one of the access procedures designed specifically for class member variables.
To obtain the value of an instance member variable, you must first submit the current object to the function that is designated for accessing the member variable like the program FieldAccess.
How can we make calling function separate Object() { [native code] } of a parent class?
Java's version of the 'super' keyword is a reference variable that may be used to refer to the separate object of the immediate parent class. When an instance of a subclass is produced, an instance of the parent class is also created implicitly. This instance of the parent class is referred to by the super reference environment variable. The super keyword can be utilized to refer to an instance variable of the immediate parent class. The immediate parent class function could be invoked by using the 'super' keyword.
It is possible to execute the immediate parent class function common Object() { [native code] } by using the super() function.
What do you understand about binary search algorithms and explain the benefits of objects?
A searching procedure known as the binary search may be used to find the location of an element inside a sorted array. The element is always looked for in the region of an array that is located in the center when using this strategy. A binary search can only be carried out on an item list that has been previously sorted. If the components are not already arranged in the appropriate order, then it needs to be sorted out first.
What are method declaration and DNS?
Method declaration contains information, including the return type of the method, the type and number of the arguments that are needed by the method, and what other classes and objects can call the method.
The domain name system (DNS) is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses that web browsers then utilize to load websites. Every device hooked up to the internet has its unique IP address, which other devices use to locate the device on the internet.
Do you know about code implementation and code reuse?
The term "implementation" is frequently used in the field of information technology to refer to how elements in programming languages interact with one another. To identify and make use of a piece of code or a programming resource that is also built into a program is what is meant by the term "implement" and it is most commonly used in the programming language, Java.
The process of reusing previously written code to create new functions or pieces of software is known as code reuse. However, to recycle code, the code in question must be of high quality. Also, this implies that it needs to be trustworthy, safe, and dependable.
When used in a single Object() { [native code] }, what is the purpose of the 'super' keyword'?
The super keyword is used to refer to objects of the superclass (parent) type. It allows access to the function Object() { [native code] } of the superclass as well as the methods of the superclass itself. The most typical application of the super keyword is to remove any possibility of confusion between superclasses and subclasses that share the same name for their respective methods.
What is a private method?
The term "private method" refers to a method that must not be accessible either from outside the class or from any base class. There is no such thing as a private method that can only be accessed from within a class in the programming language, Python. To define a private method, you must nonetheless precede the name of the member with a double underscore ( ).
Could you please explain the classical waterfall model and code snippets?
In the system development life cycle, the waterfall model is a traditional paradigm that is used to construct a system using a method that is both linear and sequential. The model progresses methodically from one phase to another in descending order; therefore, this progression earned it the name "waterfall."
A code snippet is a short section of reusable code that may be put into a code file by using a command from the context menu that appears when you right-click on the file or by pressing a combination of hotkeys. They often include code blocks that are frequently utilized, such as try-finally or if-else blocks, although they can be used to insert complete classes or methods if necessary.
Please explain 2D array, auxiliary array, and character array?
The difference between a one-dimensional array and a two-dimensional array is that the latter may be interpreted as a grid (or table) with rows and columns. A nine-by-nine grid, for instance, may be referred to as using numbers for each row as well as letters for each column.
Auxiliary data structure is just another name for the more common helper data structure; something that can be employed to address a particular problem and that may be abandoned after the problem has been resolved. For illustration's sake, let's say I requested you to determine the count of each element contained in an array. Utilizing a hash table is one of the ways to accomplish this goal.
In the same way that a numeric array is a sequence of numbers, a character array is a sequence of individual characters. One common application is to save smaller chunks of text in the form of character vectors, such as c = "Hello World." A string array is a storage space that may hold individual strings of text. A collection of useful operations for manipulating text as data may be found in string arrays.
What is custom collection and its types in a Java program under generic methods?
Most of the time, many programmers will not ever be required to develop their collections classes. You are free to develop your implementation of a fundamental collection interface using Java as your platform of choice. With the assistance of abstract implementations, writing your implementation is a straightforward process.
Can you explain the class type in Java program along with the future element? Provide a code solution of a relevant Java program.
A class is an expandable piece of program code that serves as a template for the creation of objects in object-oriented programming. Classes also provide starting values for the state (member variables) and implementations of behavior (member functions or methods).
What is element return and extend thread class?
Java comes pre-loaded with a method called get(), which is a method that returns the element of an array that is located at the provided index. Parameters: This method takes two arguments, all of which are required. Array: The object array whose index will be returned to the calling context. Index denotes a specific location inside the array that has been provided.
Constructors and methods for creating new threads and carrying out operations on existing ones are provided by the thread class. An object is an ancestor class of the thread class, which also implements the Runnable interface.
Explain different types of objects and collections of objects.
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Classes
- Objects
- Instance
- Message passing
What is the difference between findElement and findElements?
Finding components on a webpage may be accomplished using any one of these methods. The findElement function locates a single element, whereas the findElements method delivers a list of items that fit the criteria specified. The kind of data that is returned by findElements is a list, whereas the type of data that is returned by findElement is a WebElement.
Can you explain an aspect of REST API and what is the concept behind it? Please elaborate on the concept of REST API in detail.
An application programming interface (API or web API) that complies with the limitations of the REST architectural style and enables interaction with RESTful web services is referred to as a REST API, which is also known as a RESTful API. Both of these terms refer to the same thing. Roy Fielding, a computer scientist, was the one who came up with the concept of REST, which stands for representational state transfer.
What is the keyword throw or throw keyword? Also, explain the difference between thread and runnable in Java.
In Java, you may be using the throw keyword to expressly cause an exception to be thrown from within a method or any other block of code. Both checked and unchecked exceptions are available to us for throwing. The throw keyword is most commonly utilized to throw user-defined exceptions. Syntax: the instance is thrown. Throw a new ArithmeticException with the message "/ by zero" as an example.
Can you explain the parent class constructor and child class constructor along with an efficient algorithm?
A call to the parent constructor's __construct() method must be made from within the child function Object() { [native code] } before the parent function Object() { [native code] } may be executed. If the child class does not specify its own function Object() { [native code] }, then the parent class' default function Object() { [native code] } could be inherited instead, just like any other class method (if it was not declared as private). Example: Inheritance and the use of constructors.
It is not possible to use a function Object() { [native code] } in place of a method. Because it is called when an object of the class is formed. It does not make any sense to generate child class objects by using the function Object() { [native code] } notation for the parent class; meaning that Child c should equal "new Parent()".
When a current object is used and what is the purpose of the private helper method?
When there is a need to do a certain operation that is repetitive and is shared by numerous classes, a helper method may be utilized. This prevents us from having to copy and paste the same section of code into many classes time and time again. Helper methods assist in the process of defining the behavior of the class, which is done via class-specific methods.
What do you know about arbitrary classes under private methods?
A class is natural just in case it has a corresponding property. It is possessed by all and only the members of such a class. A class is arbitrary just in case it is not natural.
What is the difference between Java's HashMap and hash table data structures?
HashMap is just a collection class in Java that is based on the map data structure and is used to store key-value pairs. It may be referenced using the notation HashMapKey, Value> or HashMapK, V>. The term "bucket" refers to each list that is contained within a hash table, which is an array of lists.
The values that are stored in a hash table are one of a kind and are determined by the key. HashMap does not synchronize its method calls; however, a hash table does synchronize its method calls for its key values. HashMap, on the other hand, lacks thread safety, although a hash table possesses such a feature. HashMap makes use of an iterator, whereas a hash table relies on an enumerator to iterate through the values.
A hash table does not permit anything to be null, but HashMap permits one null key and several null values. A hash table is not very efficient in terms of its performance. When compared, HashMap offers quicker performance.
What is the purpose of utilizing the yield() method?
The thread class is responsible for implementing the yield() function. It permits the other threads to perform while also returning the thread that is presently running to a state in which it may be executed again. In other words, it allows threads with the same priority to compete for execution. Yield() is a static method and does not release any locks that may be held.
Could you please draw a contrast between Java's serialization and deserialization processes?
Java objects go through a process called serialization, in which they are transformed into a stream of bytes. The process of retrieving Java objects from the byte stream is known as deserialization, which is the polar opposite of the process known as serialization. Deserialization of a Java object involves reading it from an ObjectInputStream, whereas serialization of a Java object involves writing it to an ObjectOutputStream.
What are the reasons why the string class is deemed immutable?
Because the string class is immutable, a string object cannot have its properties altered after it has been created. Since string cannot be changed, it is safe to share it among several threads, which is a feature that is regarded as being of utmost significance for multithreaded programming.
Explain runtime exceptions.
It is an unexpected occurrence that a programmer most likely could have prevented by using other logic. In contrast to verified exceptions, runtime exceptions are not taken into account when the program is being compiled.
Encapsulation, what is it?
It is the practice of restricting access to the fields of a class yet allowing users to retrieve data through the use of public methods. If a field is declared private, then it will be hidden from view inside the class since it will be inaccessible to anybody who is not a member of that class. Consequently, encapsulation is often known as data concealing for this reason.
What is an applet?
A Java application that can be executed in a web browser is called an applet. Because it has access to the entirety of the Java program programming interface (API), an applet has the potential to serve as a fully operational Java application.
What is the set interface?
It is a collection of elements and those elements can never be repeated inside the collection. The set interface is entirely composed of methods that were inherited from the collection interface, with the addition of a limitation that forbids the inclusion of duplicate items.
What is an equivalent interface?
It makes use of the collections sort() and java. utils libraries to sort collections as well as arrays of objects, respectively. It is possible to organize the objects that belong to the class that implements the comparable interface.
What is a WAR file?
The contents of this file, known as a Web Archive File, include XML, Java classes, and JavaServer pages. It is utilized to disseminate a collection of JavaServer Pages, Java Servlets, Java classes, XML files, static Web pages, and so on.
What is meant by the term "NullPointerException"?
When invoking the instance method of a null object, retrieving or altering the field of a null object, or doing anything similar to these, a NullPointerException will be raised.
Why do we make use of the vector class?
The vector class makes it possible to construct a growable array of objects using its built-in capabilities. If you do not even know the size of the array beforehand or if you merely need one that can change sizes throughout a program's lifespan, the vector is a very helpful data structure to have available.
What is inheritance?
Through a process known as inheritance, one object can acquire all of the characteristics and behaviors of another object that belongs to a different class. Code reusability and method overriding are two of its primary functions. The concept of inheritance in Java refers to the ability to produce new classes that also are constructed on top of previously existing ones. When you inherit a class from another pre-existing class, you can reuse the parent class' methods and properties. Additionally, you can add new methods and properties to your existing class at any time. The IS-A connection, widely known as a parent-child relationship, is the type of relationship that is represented through inheritance.
What is the aggregation of information?
The connection between two classes that have one of the classes, known as the aggregate class, including a reference to the other class, which it owns, is known as aggregation. A "has-a" connection is the one that most accurately describes aggregation. Consider, for instance, the aggregate class. In addition to an object of the employee class that has different data such as age, name, and income, there is also an object of the address class that contains numerous fields, including address line 1, city, state, and pin code. To put it another way, we can assert that the employee (class) possesses an object of the address class.
Access modifiers, what are they?
Java's implementation of access control makes use of access modifier keywords such as public, private, and protected. The term "default access modifier" refers to the situation in which none of these are utilized. There are just two possible access modifiers for a Java class: public and default. Java access modifiers act as a good resource to consult for further information on them.
What do you mean by the priority queue in Java?
In contrast to a standard queue, a priority queue is an abstract data type that assigns a priority to each item it holds. Priority queues are similar to normal queues in other respects. When there is a priority queue, the element that has the highest priority gets supplied before the one that has the lowest priority. Element placement in a priority queue can be determined either by the comparator or by the natural order of the elements. The order in which components are placed into a priority queue reflects the relative importance of those elements.
What does it mean to have a transitory variable?
A variable is said to be transitory if it can avoid being serialized during the serialization process and then has its value populated by its default during the deserialization process.
Why are wrapper classes necessary for us to use?
We can give them as method arguments to other methods that anticipate receiving an object. In addition to that, it offers utility ways.
Which variable comes last in this series?
In Java, the final variable can be used to prevent the user from making any changes to the variable. Once we have initialized the final variable, we will no longer be able to modify its value. Once the last variable has been given a value, we may claim that it is permanently locked into that state and cannot be altered in any way. Mostly through the class function Object() { [native code] }, it is possible to assign a value to the final variable, which now has no value given to it.
What does "dot operator" stand for?
Accessing instance variables and functions of class objects is done with the dot operator (.), which stands for a period. Accessing a package's classes and sub-packages using this mechanism is another one of its many uses.
What are some of the benefits of using Java sockets?
Sockets are adaptable and may meet your needs. Implementing effective programming that is based on sockets is not difficult and may be used for ordinary communication. It results in a modest amount of network traffic.
What is a top-level class that is nested?
When a class is declared inside of another class and the static modifier is included, the compiler handles the class the same way as it would handle any other top-level class. An inner class is a top-level class that is nested below another.
Virtusa HR Interview Questions
Here are some of the most important HR questions that could be asked during the HR round:
Can you tell me more about the projects you are working on?
What are some emerging technologies that are not related to C++, core Java, and the likes?
Why did you choose to work in the IT industry while your background is in EC? (If you are from a different department.)
Please tell me about your preferred area of study in engineering and explain why?
What do you consider to be the most innovative thing you have done up to this point?
Which of these businesses have you already investigated?
What do you know well about Virtusa?
How would you take decision-making opportunities?
What was the biggest challenge in your current company?
Will you be ready to take a higher degree of risk to help the company?
Recruitment Process at Virtusa
The Virtusa recruitment and interview process is considered to consist of a list of competent interview questions in the process for multiple career options. Check out the rest of this section to learn more about the Virtusa Corporation selection process. In the Virtusa hiring process, with the given list of questions in the selection process, you can prepare yourself for the Virtusa technical interview questions, Java interview questions, and HR interview questions to get a job position of your choice.
The process of selecting applicants places a strong emphasis on flexibility, as well as knowledge, abilities, and experience. A combination of basic questions and coding questions for the selection process will further aid your career growth. Besides, an applicant must have received a grade of 60 percent or above in B.Tech, (B.E. ), class X, and class XII.
Below is a rundown of the many stages that make up the selection process for the Virtusa recruitment process.
- Online written test based only on Virtusa test pattern
- Discussion in the group
- Interviews for technical positions
- HR interview application and procedure
About Virtusa
Virtusa Corporation is a tech company based in Southborough. It is a provider of technology-oriented services and was founded in 1996 in Sri Lanka. Virtusa caters to major enterprises, banking companies, and software providers with IT consulting business consulting, system installation, and application outsourcing services. In February 2021, the company was purchased by Baring Private Equity Asia.
Virtusa encourages its clients to reimagine their business models and develop a strategy to safeguard and grow their businesses. It is among the top tech companies globally and is always hiring for the top skills due to continuous business expansion. According to many surveys, Virtusa is also among the best working places for new-generation employees with its great infrastructure.
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