PwC Interview Questions For Freshers & Experienced Candidates (2025)
PwC or PricewaterhouseCoopers is one of the internationally acclaimed professional accounting companies, which operates as a partnership under a common brand, PwC. It is the second-largest enterprise in the world. It is also a professional services network that is considered among one of the Big Four accounting firms, along with the likes of Ernst and Young (EY), Deloitte, and Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG). These companies perform audits of companies that are listed on national stock exchanges.
PwC Recruitment Process
PwC has a properly laid out procedure for its recruitment process. In the recruitment process of PwC, the hiring managers judge the technical knowledge of the job candidate. They also check out the analytical ability of the job aspirants. The rounds of the interview can vary based on the type of role the job candidate is pursuing in PwC. Before finding out the intricate details of the PwC hiring process, let us check out the eligibility criteria for the job candidates.
Eligibility for Freshers
The candidate should not have any arrears or active backlogs in the college examinations.
The candidate should have a score of 60-plus% or 6-plus CGPA throughout the academic career (this cut-off is subject to change as per the company policy).
For almost all roles in PwC, the hiring team has designed a process of mainly 4 rounds:
Aptitude Round
Technical Round
Partner Round
HR Round
Recruitment Rounds
1. Aptitude Round: The aptitude round is conducted online. This round generally consists of three sections for assessing the prowess of the candidate, which are -
Verbal Ability: The verbal ability section checks the candidate's ability to speak, understand, and write in English. The questions that are given in this section normally include fill-ups exercises for tenses, prepositions, synonyms, and antonyms. You will also be given an unseen passage, and you will have to answer three to four questions based on it.
Numerical Ability: This section checks out the capability of a candidate in Mathematics. There are simple math problems in these sections like Probability, Clocks, Speed and Distance, Profit and Loss, Permutations and Combinations, and Simple and Compound Interest.
Reasoning Ability: This section checks out whether the candidate has enough logical reasoning capability. The type of questions you will have to solve will be like - finding the next term in a given series, matching the pattern, or finding the number that is the odd one out. These are a few examples. The real interview might have more difficult questions than the ones mentioned here.
2. Technical Round: After being judged on the Aptitude Round's performance, candidates will proceed toward the technical round. Even if the candidate has applied for the role of a technology consultant in the company, there are multiple profiles for which they can apply. Some of these roles are -
Oracle ERP
Data Analytics
Cyber Security
Microsoft ERP
The technical round is designed for checking the technical aspects of the submitted candidate profile, and whether the candidate is aware of the general technical concepts.
Apart from these questions, there will be additional questions on -
The candidate should know at least one of the programming languages like Java or Python, C, or C++. It is totally upon your choice as a candidate. If the candidate is applying for an experienced role, then you can expect another technical round.
3. Partner Round: After checking the performance of the candidate in the Technical Round, the screened candidates will advance to the Partner Round. This round will be conducted by Executive Directors at PwC Pvt. Ltd. It can either be a technical-based or HR-based round or both. This round will further assess whether a candidate is an ideal employee for the company.
4. HR Round: This is the final round. In this HR round, the questions will focus mainly on the interpersonal skills provided in your resume. There will be a lot of behavioral interview questions. You will be asked about your past experiences in the previous company and other general HR questions. Make sure you visit the About Us section of the company's website and read the purpose and values of PwC Pvt. Ltd.
PwC Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced
Here are some assessment exercises from the technical interview. Clearing a technical interview is not a daunting task but one needs great analytical skills for solving these questions.
Q1. Differentiate between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree?
Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node can have at most two child nodes.
A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree in which the value of the node on the left side is less than or equal to the value of the parent node, and the value of the node on the right side is greater than or equal to the value of the parent node.
Ordering of Nodes
Nodes may not be ordered or sorted in any specific manner.
Nodes are ordered in a specific manner to maintain the BST property, where the left subtree of a node contains smaller elements, and the right subtree contains larger elements.
Searching for a value may require traversing the entire tree, making it less efficient.
Searching for a value can be done efficiently using binary search algorithm due to the ordering of nodes in the BST, resulting in faster search times.
Insertion and Deletion
Insertion and deletion of nodes can be done without any constraints.
Insertion and deletion of nodes need to maintain the BST property by reordering nodes as needed to ensure correct ordering.
Average and worst-case time complexity for searching, insertion, and deletion is O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.
Average time complexity for searching, insertion, and deletion is O(log n) in a balanced BST, but it can degrade to O(n) in the worst case for an unbalanced BST.
Use Cases
Binary trees are used for general tree-based data representation or algorithms that do not require specific ordering of nodes.
Binary search trees are used in scenarios where efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations are required, such as in searching, sorting, and data retrieval applications.
It's important to note that a binary search tree is a specialized form of a binary tree that maintains the BST property, which allows for efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations.
Q2. Differentiate between C & C++ programming languages.
Elements are stored in a sequential manner with a specific order.
Elements are not stored sequentially and can have complex relationships.
Access to Elements
Elements can be accessed sequentially from the beginning to the end or vice versa.
Elements may not be accessed sequentially, and the access pattern depends on the structure of the data.
Relationship between Elements
Elements have simple relationships, typically adjacent to each other.
Elements can have complex relationships, such as hierarchical or arbitrary connections.
Simple operations and algorithms for insertion, deletion, and searching.
More complex operations and algorithms may be required due to the complex relationships between elements.
Used in scenarios where data needs to be organized and accessed sequentially. Examples: arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues.
Used in scenarios where data has complex relationships and needs to be organized in a hierarchical or arbitrary manner. Examples: trees, graphs.
Q4. What do you mean by merge sort? For merge sort, what is the Time and Space Complexity?
Merge sort is a popular comparison-based sorting algorithm that follows the divide-and-conquer approach. It works by dividing an array or a list into two halves, recursively sorting the two halves, and then merging them back together to produce a sorted output.
The steps involved in the merge sort algorithm are as follows:
Divide: The input array is divided into two equal halves (or approximately equal halves).
Recursively sort: The two halves are recursively sorted using the merge sort algorithm. This step continues until the base case is reached, which is typically when the input array has only one element (i.e., it is already sorted).
Merge: The sorted halves are merged back together to produce a single sorted output array. This is done by repeatedly comparing the elements of the two halves and merging them in sorted order.
The time complexity of merge sort is O(n log n), where n is the number of elements in the input array. This makes merge sort efficient for large datasets, as it has a relatively fast runtime compared to many other sorting algorithms.
The space complexity of merge sort is O(n), as it requires additional space to store the two halves during the merge step. This means that merge sort uses additional memory proportional to the size of the input array, which can be a disadvantage for large arrays with limited available memory. However, there are in-place variants of merge sort that do not require additional memory, but they have a higher time complexity due to the additional operations involved in merging the elements in place.
Q5. Check if a string is a palindrome or not.
A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or another sequence of characters that reads the same backward or forward. In other words, a palindrome remains unchanged when its letters or digits are reversed. For example, the words "radar", "level", "madam", and the number "12321" are palindromes, as they read the same from left to right as well as right to left.
using namespace std;
// To reverse a string
string reverseString(string str)
int len = str.length();
int mid = len / 2;
// Traverse until mid and swap characters from ends
for (int i = 0; i < mid; i++)
swap(str[i], str[len - i - 1]);
return str;
bool isPalindrome(string a)
// This reverse the string
string b = reverseString(a);
// Check if reversed string and original string are same
return a == b;
int main()
string s1 = “BANANA”;
string s2 = “MADAM”;
cout<<s1<<” is “<< (isPalindrome(s1) ? “NOT “: “”) <<” a PALINDROME\n”;
cout<<s2<<” is “<< (isPalindrome(s2) ? “NOT “: “”) <<” a PALINDROME\n”;
The given program defines two functions reverseString and isPalindrome to check if a given string is a palindrome or not. The reverseString function takes a string str as input and reverses it by swapping characters from ends until the middle, using the swap function from the <algorithm> header. The reversed string is then returned.
The isPalindrome function takes a string a as input and uses the reverseString function to reverse the input string and store it in another string b. It then compares the reversed string b with the original string a using the equality operator ==. If they are equal, it returns true, indicating that the input string is a palindrome; otherwise, it returns false. In the main function, two strings s1 and s2 are initialized with the values "BANANA" and "MADAM", respectively.
The isPalindrome function is called with these strings as arguments, and the result is printed using the cout statement. Since "BANANA" is not a palindrome and "MADAM" is a palindrome, the corresponding output is displayed accordingly.
Q6. What is volatile in C?
In C programming language, volatile is a keyword that is used to indicate that a variable may change its value outside the control of the program. When a variable is declared as volatile, the compiler is informed that the value of the variable may change unexpectedly, and the compiler should not optimize or make any assumptions about the variable's value.
The volatile keyword is typically used in situations where the value of a variable can be changed by external factors that are beyond the control of the program, such as hardware interrupts, shared memory accessed by multiple threads or processes, or memory-mapped I/O registers. In such cases, the volatile keyword ensures that the compiler generates code that always reads the most up-to-date value of the variable from memory, and prevents any caching or optimization that may result in using stale or outdated values.
Here's an example of using the volatile keyword in C:
volatile int flag = 0; // declare a volatile integer variable
// loop that waits for the flag to be set
while (flag == 0) {
// do something
// flag has been set, take appropriate action
In this example, the variable flag is declared as volatile to indicate that its value may change outside the control of the program, and the program should always read the most up-to-date value from memory when checking its value in the while loop. It's important to note that the volatile keyword only ensures that the compiler generates code that always reads the most up-to-date value from memory. It does not provide any synchronization or atomicity guarantees for concurrent access by multiple threads or processes. For concurrent access, additional synchronization mechanisms, such as mutexes or atomic operations, should be used in conjunction with volatile to ensure correct and thread-safe behavior.
Q7. What is a dangling pointer? How to handle it?
A dangling pointer is a pointer that points to a memory location that has been deallocated or freed, or a pointer that points to an object that has gone out of scope or has been deleted. Accessing or using a dangling pointer can lead to undefined behavior, as the memory it points to may no longer be valid or may have been allocated to a different object.
Dangling pointers commonly occur in C and C++ when memory is allocated dynamically using new or malloc, and then deallocated using delete or free, respectively, but the pointer to the memory is not set to nullptr or reassigned to a valid memory location after deallocation. Dangling pointers can also occur in C++ when a pointer to an object is accessed after the object has been deleted or has gone out of scope.
To handle dangling pointers, it's important to follow good memory management practices, including:
Always set pointers to nullptr or a valid memory location after deallocation to avoid accessing a dangling pointer.
Avoid using pointers to objects that have gone out of scope or have been deleted. Make sure that the pointer is still valid and points to a valid memory location before using it.
Use smart pointers or automated memory management techniques, such as RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) in C++, to automatically manage memory and avoid dangling pointers.
Be cautious with pointer arithmetic and avoid accessing memory beyond the allocated range.
Use tools like static analyzers, dynamic analyzers, and memory profiling tools to detect and fix dangling pointer issues in your code.
Handling dangling pointers requires careful attention to memory management practices and proper coding techniques to prevent accessing or using pointers that no longer point to valid memory locations.
For example:
struct MyStruct
int myInt;
char myChar;
int main()
MyStruct* firstPtr = new MyStruct();
// .... some code here
MyStruct* secondPtr = firstPtr;
secondPtr->myInt = 5;
secondPtr->myChar = 'A';
delete secondPtr;
// ... some code here
std::cout<myInt<<" "<myChar<<"\n";
Q8. Compute the output of the code given below:
int main() {
The output for the code is -
for(;;) // This is fine because condition is replaced by nonzero-constant by compiler as per the specification of C++ language
while() // This gives an error as it doesn't have condition expression
if() // This also gives an error as it doesn't have condition expression
The code provided contains an infinite loop that will continuously print the string "hello" followed by a newline character ("\n") to the standard output (usually the console or terminal) without any termination condition. This means that the loop will continue indefinitely, repeatedly printing "hello" to the output until the program is terminated externally, such as by manually stopping the program execution or encountering a runtime error.
As a result, if you were to run this code as-is, it would cause an infinite loop and repeatedly print "hello" to the standard output without end until you stop the program manually. It's important to be cautious when working with infinite loops as they can cause your program to hang or crash if not properly controlled or terminated.
Q9. Print 1-100 without the use of loops?
Here's an example of how you can print the numbers from 1 to 100 in Python without using loops, using recursion:
def print_numbers(n):
if n <= 100:
print_numbers(n + 1)
In this example, we define a recursive function print_numbers(n) that takes an argument n which represents the current number to be printed. The function first checks if n is less than or equal to 100, and if so, it prints the value of n and then calls itself with n + 1 as the argument. This recursive process continues until n reaches 100, printing all the numbers from 1 to 100 in the process. Note that recursion has its limitations, including potential stack overflow errors for large input values, so it's important to use it judiciously and with appropriate base cases to prevent infinite recursion.
Q10. What is Bootstrap? What are the advantages of Bootstrap over CSS?
Bootstrap is a popular open-source front-end web development framework that provides a collection of pre-designed and pre-styled HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components for building responsive and modern web applications. It was originally developed by Twitter and is now maintained by the Bootstrap community.
Rapid development: Bootstrap provides a set of ready-to-use UI components, such as buttons, forms, modals, carousels, and more, that can be easily incorporated into web pages. These components are pre-styled and responsive, which allows developers to create professional-looking websites quickly and efficiently, without having to write extensive CSS code from scratch.
Consistency and cross-browser compatibility: Bootstrap ensures consistent styling and appearance across different web browsers and devices. It has been thoroughly tested and is designed to work well in all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, as well as on different devices, such as desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
Responsive design: Bootstrap is built with responsive design principles, which means that web pages created with Bootstrap automatically adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing a consistent user experience across various devices. This eliminates the need for separate CSS code for different devices, saving development time and effort.
Flexibility and customization: While Bootstrap provides a set of predefined styles and components, it also allows developers to customize the look and feel of their web applications by overriding or extending the default styles. This flexibility allows developers to create unique and branded web designs that meet their specific requirements.
Community and documentation: Bootstrap has a large and active community of developers, which means that it has a vast ecosystem of resources, including documentation, tutorials, forums, and third-party plugins. This makes it easy to find help and support when using Bootstrap in web development projects.
Responsive grid system: Bootstrap includes a responsive grid system that provides a flexible and fluid layout for designing responsive web pages. The grid system makes it easy to create responsive web pages with multiple columns, rows, and breakpoints, ensuring that the layout looks good on different screen sizes and devices.
Accessibility: Bootstrap adheres to web accessibility standards, making it easier to create web applications that are accessible to people with disabilities. It includes built-in accessibility features, such as semantic markup, proper use of ARIA attributes, and keyboard navigation support.
Q11. What will be the output of the below python program?
class myClass:
def __init__(self):
The output of the given Python program will result in an AttributeError.
The error occurs because the attribute "__y" is declared with double underscores, making it a private attribute in Python. Private attributes are intended to be accessed only within the class itself and are not meant to be accessed directly from outside the class.
In the code snippet provided, the attempt to access the "__y" attribute using print(obj.__y) outside of the class will result in an AttributeError, indicating that the attribute is not accessible from outside the class.
To fix this error, you can either change the attribute name to a single underscore prefix (e.g., "_y") to indicate it as a protected attribute that can be accessed from subclasses or within the same module, or you can provide a getter method within the class to access the private attribute. Here's an example of how you can modify the code:
class myClass: def __init__(self): self.x = 10 self.__y = 20
def get_y(self): return self.__y
obj = myClass() print(obj.get_y()) # Output: 20
In this example, a getter method get_y() is added to the class to provide access to the private attribute "__y". The get_y() method can be used to retrieve the value of "__y" from outside the class, avoiding the AttributeError.
Q12. What is the size of an empty class in C++?
using namespace std;
class MyClass
int main() {
// Output:
// 1
The size of an empty class in C++ is typically 1 byte, although it can vary depending on the compiler and its settings.
According to the C++ standard (ISO/IEC 14882), an empty class is a class that has no non-static data members and no virtual functions. The C++ standard mandates that an object of any class, even an empty class, must have a unique address in memory. To achieve this, the C++ compilers typically assign a minimum size of 1 byte to an empty class.
This minimum size is usually due to the need to ensure that each object of the empty class has a distinct address in memory, as C++ requires that objects with distinct addresses have distinct addresses of their first byte. This allows C++ to ensure that objects of the empty class can be distinguished from each other in terms of their memory addresses, even though they don't have any data members or virtual functions.
Q13. What are the advantages of a vector over an array in C++?
In C++, vectors and arrays are both used to store collections of elements. However, vectors offer several advantages over arrays:
Dynamic size: Vectors are dynamic arrays that can grow or shrink in size during runtime. They automatically handle memory management and resizing, making it convenient to add or remove elements from the collection without manually managing memory allocation and deallocation, as is required with arrays. Arrays, on the other hand, have a fixed size that needs to be determined at compile-time.
Automatic memory management: Vectors manage memory automatically, which means that they handle memory allocation and deallocation for you. This reduces the chances of memory leaks or accessing memory that has been deallocated, which can be common pitfalls with arrays.
Safety features: Vectors perform bounds checking, which means that they automatically check for out-of-bounds access and throw an exception if detected. This can help prevent common programming errors, such as buffer overflow or accessing elements outside the valid range, which can lead to crashes or security vulnerabilities. Arrays in C++ do not have built-in bounds checking, so you need to be careful to avoid accessing elements outside the valid range.
Flexibility: Vectors provide a wide range of built-in functions and methods for common operations, such as resizing, sorting, and searching, which makes them more flexible and convenient to use compared to arrays. Arrays in C++ do not have built-in functions or methods, and you need to implement such functionality manually.
Copy and assignment semantics: Vectors can be easily copied and assigned using the assignment operator (=), which performs deep copy, meaning that a new copy of the vector is created with its own memory space. Arrays, on the other hand, are shallow copied by default, meaning that only the pointer to the original array is copied, not the actual data. This can lead to unexpected behavior if not handled carefully.
Q14. Differentiate between List and Tuple in Python?
In Python, a list and a tuple are both used to store collections of items. However, there are some key differences between them:
Mutability: Lists are mutable, which means their elements can be modified after they are created. Tuples, on the other hand, are immutable, which means their elements cannot be modified after they are created. Once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be changed.
Syntax: Lists are created using square brackets ([]) and elements are separated by commas. For example: my_list = [1, 2, 3]. Tuples, on the other hand, are created using parentheses (()) and elements are separated by commas. For example: my_tuple = (1, 2, 3).
Performance: Tuples are generally more memory efficient and faster than lists, as they are immutable and Python does not need to allocate additional memory for them. Lists, being mutable, may require resizing of memory when elements are added or removed.
Use cases: Lists are commonly used when you need a dynamic, mutable collection of items that can be modified during runtime, such as when you need to add, remove, or modify elements frequently. Tuples are used when you need an immutable, fixed-size collection of items that should not be modified during runtime, such as when you want to store multiple values that are related to each other and should remain unchanged.
Here's a summary of the differences between lists and tuples in Python:
Square brackets []
Parentheses ()
Less efficient
More efficient
Use cases
Dynamic, mutable
Immutable, fixed-size
The program given below will tell you how much memory is allocated to a List or a Tuple.
using namespace std;
class MyClass
int main() {
// Output:
// 1
Q15. SQL Query to find min, max, and average salary from a table?
Suppose the table is in the format shown below:
Employee table:
To find the maximum salary:
SELECT MAX(Salary) from Employee; // To just get the max salary
SELECT * from Employee where Salary = (SELECT MAX(Salary) from Employee); // Employees with the highest salary
To find the average salary:
SELECT AVG(Salary) from Employee;
To find the minimum salary:
SELECT MIN(Salary) from Employee; // To just get the min salary
SELECT * from Employee where Salary = (SELECT MIN(Salary) from Employee); // Employees with the lowest salary
Q16. Explain Tax Refund.
The tax refund is when you overpay taxes more than what you are supposed to. This scenario can arise due to multiple reasons. For instance, you have a term deposit on which your financial institution has already deducted TDS during its disbursement. However, unaware of it, you have entered the profits from that investment in your final income tax filing. In that case, you have paid tax on the same income twice. Hence, you will be eligible for a tax refund.
Q.17. What is vouching?
Vouching is a process used in the initial stages of the audit to cement the integrity of the entries in the books of accounts. In simpler words, during this process, an auditor checks and determines the credibility of the presented documents. Based on this, the audit report is generated.
Q18. What is an assessment year?
An assessment year is a period during which the previous year’s taxation is computed. An assessment year starts on 1st April and ends on 31st March.
Q19. What is a statutory audit?
The term statutory audit refers to a mandatory legal review of the truthfulness of a company's financial statements and associated records. The purpose of this audit is to decide whether a firm offers a just and correct representation of its current financial standing by going through details like bookkeeping records, different financial transactions, and bank balances.
Q20.What is Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)?
The Alternative Minimum Tax refers to a threshold that every taxpayer has to maintain irrespective of the deductions. To simplify, it denotes the nominal tax that one has to pay. Moreover, the calculation process and the formulas used in AMT are separate that the traditional process.
Q21. What is capital gain?
The term capital gains refer to the profit you earn by selling an asset. To elaborate, if you purchase a bond for, let’s say, Rs. 1 lakh, but when you sell it, you earn Rs. 1.8 lakh, then this Rs. 0.8 lakh or Rs. 80,000 will be considered as capital gains. Now, there are two types of capital gains - short-term and long-term.
Q22. What are amortization and impairment?
Amortization and impairment are two intangible assets of a company, and they are reported on the balance sheet. Now, amortization reflects the lowering of the value of an intangible asset during its lifetime. At the same time, impairment is when an intangible asset is considered less valuable compared to what is mentioned in the balance sheet after amortization.
Q23. What is the Securities Transaction Tax?
Securities Transaction Tax or STT is a direction that is levied on the purchase and sale of securities listed on the recognized stock exchanges of the country.
Q24. What is intercompany reconciliation?
Intercompany reconciliation refers to the transactions between two subsidiaries of the same parent company.
Q25. What are the two most basic financial statements prepared by the companies?
A balance sheet and income statement are two essential financial statements prepared by a company.
Q26. What are the objectives of conducting an internal audit?
The objective of conducting an internal audit is to ensure that there is complete transparency in the company system and how it operates. It determines the loopholes and irregularities in the system and finds ways to mend them.
Q27. What are the advantages and disadvantages of proprietary firms?
The advantages of a proprietary firm are –
Easy to setup and operate
Sole beneficiary
Nominal hassle regarding compliance
The disadvantages of a proprietary firm are –
The taxation is as per the income tax slab of an individual
Obtaining funds can be difficult
More liability
Q28. What are cross-functional audits?
A cross-functional audit is when one department of a company audits another department. The aim here is the advancement of the company.
Q29. What are audit control procedures?
The audit control procedure refers to the tools that auditors use to complete their job and submit their reports.
PwC Interview Questions for HR Rounds
Q30. Introduce yourself
When HR asks you to introduce yourself, do not go on explaining everything. Keep it short and precise. Highlight some of your achievements and hobbies as well. Also, talk about your family.
Q31. Can you explain your personality in one word?
Be careful of the word you select. Try to be modest and humble, and say something that does not sound too pompous.
Q32. Why PwC?
Here, you need to explain the professional aspect of your job change and selecting PwC. Try not to get into the salary side of things. Just explain the opportunities it offers and what you can learn.
Q33. Do you know the difference between smart work and hard work?
Give an affirmative answer and back it up with a real-life example, preferably a situation where you have been a smart worker and reduced the time required to complete a task.
Q34. Tell me about some of your achievements.
Talk about your achievements in life to date. However, try to include the professional ones only, not the ones like your first prize in the school quiz competition.
Q35. What, according to you, was your greatest failure in life?
Be honest about what you think is the greatest failure in your life. Again, try to keep it within the professional bounds and not your personal failures. In case you talk about your personal life, be conscious about what you say.
This is a very common question, and there are different templates to answer this. But, try not to stick to any template; use your own understanding to explain what you will bring to the table and how it can help the company.
First, understand this question is only asked to gauge how long you want to stay in the company. So, answer accordingly.
Q38. Do you believe in talent or hard work?
This is a tricky one, so you need to elaborate while answering this. If you say talent, then make sure back it up with something like, you need to work hard to make your talent work in your favor; otherwise, it is a talent wasted.
Q39. When do you think you will complete and be able to join? (contextual question)
This question will entirely depend on your current situation, so answer accordingly.
Q40. What changes would you make at your college?
If you want to make any changes to how you approached the studies or the choices of subjects, then mention them. But, also substantiate your answer with an example.
Q41. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?
Whatever your strengths and weaknesses are, mention them clearly. Don’t think that mentioning your weaknesses will make HR not hire you or anything. They rather prefer an honest answer than something over the top, like, I don’t have any weaknesses.
Q42. Describe your final year project. What innovations did you bring to this project?
This is a good way to establish your credibility. Explain whatever you have done with the project, and include the mistakes as well. Then, transition into what you learned from the mistake and how it helped you to bring changes.
Q43. Are you a good listener?
Answer affirmatively, and explain why listening is important.
Q44. How has your education prepared you for your career?
Here you need to explain how your decision regarding the studies has helped in shaping your career and why you have decided to come to this field and not something else.
Q45. Have you ever wanted to quit something?
If you have ever, then be honest and clear about it. But also explain how you recovered from it.
Q46. Do you prefer working in a team?
Answer affirmatively and explain why teamwork is important with a real-life example.
Q47. What motivates you?
Explain it with examples; for instance, if it is an individual, then talk about how and what he/she does that helps you stay motivated.
Q48. Tell me about your groups of friends.
Talk about your friend circle, what they do, and what connects you a lot.
This is one of the questions that the concerned candidate needs to answer extremely carefully. Avoid sharing negative feedback regarding the current company, the manager, or your peers. The interview conversation should always be focused on your career objectives and how PwC can help you achieve them. Frame your career move as a means of advancing your career without saying anything derogatory about your current job. Also, mention any positive reviews that you have heard and appreciated about PwC.
PwC Interview Preparation
If you are an applicant, then you should avoid some of the common interview mistakes. Here are some interview preparation tips that will make the process of preparation easier for you.
Interview Preparation Tips
Understand the role: Gather as much information about the role for which you are applying. Understand the job position and the skill set you require. Note down the educational requirements also.
Include legit resume projects: Scan the resume manually and ensure you understand everything about the mentioned technologies in the projects you have included in the resume. Try to recall every small detail about the work you have done previously.
You need to practice DSA: Solving Data Structure and Algorithm problems regularly will help you a lot. Go through the frequently asked DSA questions for each topic for a better understanding of the topics.
Never give up attitude: In an interview, if you are unable to solve a question immediately, then try using a hard-solve approach and then optimize accordingly. This way you will impress the hiring managers while tackling a difficult scenario during the interview. It is also a display of leadership abilities.
Grab hints: Take notice of all the hints provided. Interviewers will help if you get stuck. They are always prepared to give assistance to candidates. Be alert, grab the clue and move to the next step. If you can't figure out what the hint is, then it's a red flag.
Behave professionally: Keep in mind your interpersonal skills are getting judged. How you behave during trying to solve a difficult question is being noted down. Think twice before talking.
Think loud: Learn the way of thinking loudly. Speak what comes to your mind and demonstrate how you solved a question.
Research & Communication: The HR interviewer will generally be quite friendly, so don't get tense. If you have good communication skills, then you will easily sail through this round. Come well prepared with answers to generic questions like self-introduction, resume walkthrough, and strengths and weaknesses. Learn about the aims and values of PwC Pvt. Ltd., and use them in the interview for a definitive advantage. This will show that you have researched well about the company.
Mock interviews: It is highly beneficial if you give mock interviews a shot. This will give you an idea of the actual interview and what you can expect. There are many resources online. It will help in improving your confidence and presenting yourself in a better way.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are some questions that are asked in almost every interview. If you prepare these beforehand, then there is a chance that you might score highly in the interview. Some of these FAQs are given below.
1. Why do you want to work at PwC Pvt. Ltd.?
Here you need to talk about the company values. Make it evident that you will also abide by the values. Talk about the recent financial news or current news about the company's products. Also, mention what you adore about the company and show that you want to learn and grow. Don't cook up any fake stuff. Be true and sincere in your approach.
2. What is the salary for freshers in PwC Pvt. Ltd.?
Usually, a PwC software engineer's minimum salary is INR 6 lakhs and the maximum salary offered is up to INR 8.5 lakh per year for freshers. Just consider the average salary in this case.
3. Is there any coding round in PwC?
There is no online coding round currently for PwC. However, there is an offline coding round during the interview. Coding questions will be put forward for solving in the interview process. You also need some experience in coding from scratch in the technical round. It is because you need to understand the basic code. So, learn to code from scratch as it is beneficial. You need also to understand code generation.
4. Is it hard to get into PwC Pvt Ltd?
Nothing is difficult if the candidate's preparation is right and the determination is high. These interviews mainly focus on the resumes of candidates, coding problems (Data Structures and Algorithms), OOPs, and computer science fundamentals. You will clear the interview with flying colors if you have prepared properly.
5. What are PwC eligibility criteria?
The academic eligibility criteria are quite simple -
The job applicant should not have any arrears or active backlogs.
The candidate should have scored 60-plus% or 6-plus CGPA throughout their academic career. (This is subject to change as per company policy).
6. How long is the interview process at PwC for software engineers?
There is no fixed time on how long the process of an interview at PwC will take. The position, the location, and the urgency are some of the factors that decide the length of the interview. PwC prefers to quicken its process so that the candidate is not kept waiting for long. Even if you have successfully cleared all the interviews, it could take more than 10 days to receive the offer letter. Generally, the interview process takes a week to a month. The job offer is given to the candidate via mail.
That's it! With this, you are one step closer to bagging your dream job.
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I am a biotechnologist-turned-content writer and try to add an element of science in my writings wherever possible. Apart from writing, I like to cook, read and travel.