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This Keyword In Java | Syntax, Best Practices & More (+Examples)

This Keyword In Java | Syntax, Best Practices & More (+Examples)

In Java, the this keyword is a powerful and versatile tool used to represent the current instance of a class. It allows us to differentiate between class attributes and parameters when they share the same name, invoke other constructors in the same class, and pass the current object as a parameter. Understanding the use of this is essential for mastering object-oriented programming in Java.

In this article, we'll explore the various applications of the this keyword, understand how it works, and see practical examples to enhance our knowledge.

Understanding This Keyword In Java

The this keyword in Java programming is a reference variable that refers to the current instance of a class. It plays a crucial role in object-oriented programming by helping us address ambiguity, reuse constructors, and achieve better code clarity. It’s automatically available in all non-static methods and constructors of a class.

Syntax Of This Keyword In Java

The this keyword has versatile uses in Java, and its syntax depends on the context where it is applied:

  1. Referencing the Current Object
  • The this keyword refers to the object that is currently being operated upon.
  • It’s commonly used when instance variables and parameters share the same name.


  1. Invoking Current Class Constructor
  • We can call one constructor from another in the same class using this(). This is known as constructor chaining.
  • It must be the first statement in the constructor.


  1. Calling Current Class Methods
  • The this keyword can call other methods of the same class explicitly.


Uses Of This Keyword In Java

The this keyword is a fundamental part of Java, used to refer to the current instance of a class. It is versatile and plays a critical role in various aspects of object-oriented programming. Below are the primary uses of the this keyword:

  1. Referencing Current Class Instance Variables: Resolves ambiguity between instance variables and method parameters with the same name.
  2. Invoking Current Class Methods: Explicitly calls other methods within the same class.
  3. Invoking Current Class Constructors (Constructor Chaining): Allows calling one constructor from another within the same class.
  4. Passing Current Instance as an Argument: Passes the current object as a parameter to another method or constructor.
  5. Returning the Current Instance: Returns the current object from a method to enable method chaining.
  6. Avoiding Ambiguity: Differentiates between instance variables and local variables or parameters when they have the same name.

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Using This Keyword For Referencing Instance Variables

The this keyword helps resolve ambiguity between instance variables and method parameters when they have the same name. By using this, we explicitly refer to the instance variable of the current object. This ensures the correct assignment or access to the instance variable.

Code Example: 


Employee Name: Alia


In the above code example-

  1. We begin by defining a class named Employee, which represents an employee in our program.
  2. Inside the Employee class, there’s a private member variable, name, to store the name of the employee. We make it private to ensure it’s only accessible within the Employee class.
  3. A constructor, Employee(String name), is provided to initialize the name variable when we create an object of the Employee class.
  4. To avoid ambiguity between the parameter name and the instance variable name, we use the this keyword to refer explicitly to the instance variable.
  5. We define a display() method to print the employee's name. This method uses System.out.println to display a message containing the name variable.
  6. In the Main class, we have the main() method, which serves as the entry point of our program.
  7. Inside the main method, we create an Employee object named emp by calling the constructor and passing "Alia" as the name.
  8. Finally, we call the display method on the emp object, which prints "Employee Name: Alia" to the console.

Using This Keyword For Invoking A Constructor

The this keyword can be used to invoke another constructor of the same class, enabling constructor chaining. This is helpful when multiple constructors need to share common initialization code. The this() call must always be the first statement in the constructor.

Code Example: 


Car Brand: Unknown, Year: 0
Car Brand: Toyota, Year: 2021


In the above code example-

  1. We start by defining a class named Car to represent a car, with private fields brand and year to store its brand and manufacturing year.
  2. Keeping these fields private ensures they can only be accessed and modified through the methods defined in the class.There are two constructors in the Car class.
  3. The first constructor is a default constructor, which doesn't take any parameters. It initializes the car's brand to "Unknown" and the year to 0 by invoking the second constructor using the this keyword.
  4. The second constructor is a parameterized constructor that accepts a brand and a year as arguments, allowing us to initialize a car with specific details.
  5. In the parameterized constructor, we use the this keyword to differentiate between the constructor parameters and the instance variables of the same name.
  6. The displayDetails() method prints the car's brand and manufacturing year in a user-friendly format. It uses System.out.println for output.
  7. In the Main class, we define the main() method, which is the entry point of our program.
  8. Within main, we create two Car objects. The first, car1, uses the default constructor, while the second, car2, uses the parameterized constructor with "Toyota" and 2021 as values.
  9. Finally, we call the displayDetails method on both car1 and car2, displaying their respective details. The default constructor initializes car1 with "Unknown" and 0", while car2displays "Toyota" and2021".

Using This Keyword For Invoking A Method

The this keyword is used to explicitly invoke another method of the current class. It ensures clarity when chaining methods or when there is potential ambiguity in accessing methods within the same class.

Code Example:


Result: 15


In the above code example-

  1. We define a class named Calculator to perform basic arithmetic operations, with a private field result to store the calculation result.
  2. The result field is private to ensure it can only be accessed and modified through the methods within the class.
  3. The add() method takes two integers, a and b, as parameters and computes their sum. The result of the addition is stored in the result field.
  4. Inside the add method, we use the this keyword to refer to the result instance variable explicitly.
  5. After calculating the result, the add method calls the display method to output the result. This demonstrates how methods within the class can interact.
  6. The display method prints the current value of the result field using System.out.println.
  7. In the Main() class, we define the main() method, which serves as the program's entry point.
  8. Within the main method, we create an instance of the Calculator class named calc.
  9. We then call the add() method on the calc object with arguments 5 and 10. The add method computes the sum and displays the result, which is printed as "Result: 15".

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Using This Keyword With Getters And Setters

The this keyword is often used in setters to resolve ambiguity between instance variables and method parameters when they share the same name. It ensures the correct assignment of values to instance variables. In getters, this can be used optionally to refer to the current object's variables explicitly.

Code Example: 


Name: John
Age: 20
Name: John, Age: 20


In the above code example-

  1. We define a class named Student to represent a student, with private fields name and age to store the student’s details.
  2. The fields are private to enforce encapsulation, ensuring they are accessed and modified only through methods in the class.
  3. The setName() method is a setter that assigns a value to the name field. The this keyword resolves ambiguity between the parameter and the instance variable with the same name.
  4. The getName() method is a getter that returns the value of the name field. It ensures controlled access to the private variable.
  5. Similarly, the setAge() method sets a value for the age field, and the getAge() method retrieves the value of the age field.
  6. The display method outputs the student’s details in a single statement using System.out.println.
  7. In the Main() class, the main() method serves as the program's entry point.
  8. Within main, we create an instance of the Student class named student.
  9. We use the setName and setAge methods to assign values to the name and age fields.
  10. The getName and getAge methods are called to retrieve and display the name and age values individually.
  11. Alternatively, we call the display method to print both details together in a single statement, demonstrating the flexibility of the class methods.

Difference Between This And Super Keyword In Java

The key differences between this and super keyword in Java are as follows:


This Keyword

Super Keyword


Refers to the current object (instance) of the class.

Refers to the immediate parent class (superclass).

Use in Constructor

Can be used to call another constructor in the same class (constructor chaining).

Cannot be used for constructor chaining in the same class. It is used to call the parent class constructor.

Access to Variables

Accesses instance variables of the current class.

Accesses instance variables of the parent class.

Access to Methods

Can be used to call methods of the current class.

Used to call methods of the parent class, especially when overridden in the subclass.

Use in Inheritance

Refers to the current object of the class where this is used.

Refers to the parent class object in an inheritance hierarchy.


Limited to the current class or subclass if used in a subclass.

Limited to the parent class and can be used in subclasses to refer to the superclass members.

Ambiguity Resolution

Resolves ambiguity between instance variables and method parameters with the same name.

Cannot resolve ambiguity in the same way. It is used to refer to the parent class's members when they are hidden by the subclass.

Best Practices For Using This Keyword In Java

Here are some best practices to ensure the effective and clean use of this keyword in Java:

  • Use this for Clarity: Always use this in setters and constructors to avoid ambiguity between instance variables and parameters with the same name. For Example-

public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name; // Improves clarity

  • Ensure Proper Use in Constructor Chaining: Use this() only to chain constructors within the same class. Always place the this() call as the first statement in the constructor. For Example-

public Student() {
    this("Unknown", 0); // Chaining to parameterized constructor

  • Avoid Redundancy: Do not use this unnecessarily in situations where it is implied or obvious. For Example-

// Avoid unnecessary usage:
System.out.println(this.name); // Instead of just `name` if no ambiguity exists.

  • Use this for Method Chaining: Return this from methods when implementing fluent APIs or method chaining. For Example-

public Student setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;
    return this; // Supports method chaining

  • Be Mindful When Passing this: Pass this only when the current object needs to be passed, such as to another method or constructor. Avoid exposing an incomplete object (e.g., in a constructor before initialization is complete). For Example-

public void register(Registry registry) {

  • Use in Inner Classes: Use this to explicitly refer to the outer class instance when working with inner classes. For Example-

OuterClass.this.method(); // Refers to the method in the outer class

  • Avoid Overusing this in Getters: The use of this in getters is optional but can be omitted if it doesn't enhance clarity. For Example-

public String getName() {
    return name; // Simple and sufficient

  • Follow Coding Standards: Ensure consistent usage of this across the codebase to improve readability and maintainability.

By adhering to these best practices, you can effectively utilize the this keyword to write clean, efficient, and unambiguous Java code.

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In Java, the this keyword is like a trusty sidekick for the current object, helping it stand out in a crowd of variables and methods. It’s there to clear up confusion, especially when method parameters and instance variables share the same name. It’s also the key to calling other constructors, chaining methods, and making your code more fluent. When used properly, this helps maintain clarity and organization, making your code easier to read and debug. 

So, whether you’re passing the object to another method, referring to instance variables, or just keeping things neat, remember that this is always there, ensuring that your code stays as smooth as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What does the this keyword refer to in Java?

The this keyword in Java refers to the current instance of the class in which it is used. It is a reference variable that points to the object invoking the method or constructor. In essence, it helps to distinguish between instance variables (fields) and method parameters when they have the same name, or when we want to pass the current object to another method or constructor.

Q. Can I use the this keyword in a static method?

No, you cannot use the this keyword inside a static method. This is because static methods belong to the class itself, not to any specific instance of the class. Since this refers to the current instance of a class, using it in a static context (where no instance exists) would cause a compilation error.

Q. What is constructor chaining with this?

Constructor chaining refers to the practice of calling one constructor from another within the same class using this(). It is typically used to avoid code duplication and ensure that multiple constructors share common initialization logic. The this() call must be the first statement in the constructor. For Example-

Q. What happens if this() is used incorrectly in a constructor?

If this() is used incorrectly in a constructor, such as not being the first statement, it will result in a compilation error. The this() call is specifically meant for constructor chaining, where one constructor calls another constructor in the same class. It must be the very first statement in the constructor to ensure proper chaining and initialization. Using it elsewhere in the constructor will lead to the error: "Call to this() must be the first statement in constructor".

Q. Can I use this to call another method within the same class?

Yes, you can use this to explicitly call another method within the same class. While it’s not strictly necessary (as Java will implicitly call methods without this), it can be useful for clarity, especially when dealing with complex code or method chaining. For Example-

Q. Why is the this keyword needed in Java?

The this keyword is needed in Java to refer to the current instance of the class within its methods and constructors.

  • It helps resolve ambiguity when the instance variables and method parameters share the same name, making it clear which variable is being referred to. 
  • Additionally, this allows calling other constructors within the same class (constructor chaining) and can be used to pass the current object to other methods or constructors. 
  • It essentially acts as a reference to the object that is invoking the method or constructor.

With this we conclude our discussion on the this keyword in Java. Here are a few other topics that you might be interested in reading: 

  1. 15 Popular JAVA Frameworks Use In 2023
  2. What Is Scalability Testing? How Do You Test Application Scalability?
  3. Top 50+ Java Collections Interview Questions
  4. 10 Best Books On Java In 2024 For Successful Coders
  5. Difference Between Java And JavaScript Explained In Detail
  6. Top 15+ Difference Between C++ And Java Explained! (+Similarities)
Muskaan Mishra
Technical Content Editor

I’m a Computer Science graduate with a knack for creative ventures. Through content at Unstop, I am trying to simplify complex tech concepts and make them fun. When I’m not decoding tech jargon, you’ll find me indulging in great food and then burning it out at the gym.

Java Programming Language
Updated On: 22 Nov'24, 11:22 AM IST