Table of content:
- Most Probable Accenture Interview Questions
- Accenture Technical Interview Questions
- Accenture HR Interview Questions
Important Accenture Interview Questions (2025) That You Must Not Ignore!

Accenture is one of the leading companies providing consulting services for businesses. These include IT, Automation, Supply Chain Management, Business Strategy, etc. Established in 1989, the Company has branches in over 200 cities worldwide. The main domains in which it provides services are:
- Media and Technology
- Communications
- Health and Public Services
- Financial Services
- Products and Resources
Featuring in the 'world's most admired companies' list in 2021, Accenture is a hot favorite of many IT professionals and fresh engineering graduates. If Accenture is on your wishlist too, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will cover the most probable Accenture interview questions for candidates who wish to be a part of this IT giant.
Most Probable Accenture Interview Questions
The Accenture hiring process includes three steps:
- Online Assessment Test
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
While the online assessment part requires sound technical skills, the interview rounds focus on interpersonal skills along with subject-based knowledge. Following are some important Accenture interview questions for your revision.
Accenture Interview Questions: Technical
After clearing the online assessment test, you will have to sit through the Accenture technical interview round. This round focuses on your coding knowledge and problem-solving skills. Therefore, you should know about computer-related topics such as data structures, algorithms, etc. Freshers will only have one technical round; experienced professionals will have two more. You may also need to answer questions from a specific area depending on the applied job. Let us focus on some commonly asked technical Accenture interview questions:
1. What is runtime polymorphism, and how do you achieve it in Java?
Difficulty level: Moderate
Dynamically calling an overridden method in runtime is called as runtime polymorphism. An overridden method is when a child class has the same method name, return type, and parameters. The other kind of polymorphism is compile-time polymorphism. You can see an example below:
class Interview{
void print(){
The output will be
Interview Questions
Job Questions
2. What is the Diamond problem? How can it occur in Java?
Difficulty level: Moderate
When you try to implement multiple inheritances, the diamond problem occurs. For example, consider two classes, A and B, inherits a method from class O. Another class, C, inherits the method from both A and B. And this is the diamond problem as the compiler gets confused between the methods inherited from A and B.
However, Java does not support multiple inheritances. So the only way you can have the Diamond problem is if you implement multiple interfaces in a single class. Then the same situation mentioned above can occur. That is, the compile gets confused at compile time.
3. Why is 'static' used in Java?
Difficulty level: Easy
Static is a non-access modifier, you can access static members directly using a class name without creating a class name. All objects share static properties. Object creation will not make separate copies of static members.
There can be four types of static members:
- Static Variable
- Static Block
- Static Method
- Static Class
4. How does memory allocation happen in C++?
Difficulty level: Moderate
Memory allocation means reserving the required memory space for running codes. Different types of memory allocation in C++ are as follows:
Static Memory Allocation Process: You allocate this at the beginning of a program. In this type of memory allocation, the memory size does not change during run time. A static memory allocation uses a stack for memory management(not heap memory).
Dynamic Memory Allocation Process: You allocate this memory in runtime; it uses a heap data structure for memory management. And mainly, the pointers use Dynamic Memory allocation. You can use one of the following predefined functions for allocating memory dynamically and setting the runtime.
- malloc()
- calloc()
- realloc()
- free()
5. What is XML?
Difficulty level: Easy
XML is a short form of Extensible Markup Language. It describes the formatting of a document in an understandable way for both humans and computers. XML helps describe and share data across the internet.
5. Describe "super" and "this" keywords in Java.
Difficulty level: Easy
Super keyword is used to reference a parent class instant. Being a reserved keyword, you cannot use it as an identifier. Additionally, you can use it to invoke parent class members.
You use the "this" keyword to refer to the current class instance; you can't also use this as an identifier. So, for example, you can use this keyword to invoke the current class constructor, return a current class object, etc.
7. What is the difference between getch() and getche()?
Difficulty level: Easy
getch() is a library function under conio.h to hold the output screen until it receives single keyboard input. It does not require any arguments.
getche() has the same purpose as the getch(), which is also under conio.h. However, the getche() shows the input character on the screen. The getch() does not.
8. What is "Pandas" in Python?
Difficulty level: Moderate
Using the open-source Python library, Pandas, you can do data manipulation and analysis. There are a lot of data structures and operations in Pandas. Moreover, you can use it to deal with several data types. You can read below some of the attributes of the Pandas:
- axes: you get a row axis label
- empty: you get a true or false depending on if the series is empty or not
- size: you get the element count
- values: you get a series as a ndarray
- head(): you get n rows from the beginning
- tail(): you get n rows from the end
9. How do you implement multiple interfaces in a single Java class?
Difficulty level: Moderate
You can implement interfaces in a single java class by separating each interface with a comma operator. The syntax is below:
public class Name implements Interface1, Interface2,....., InterfaceN
// code
10. Explain normalization in a database?
Difficulty level: Moderate
Database Normalization is when you arrange data to minimize redundancy and improve integrity. For example, you can organize data in tables and columns, and define relationships. Commonly used forms are below:
- First Normal Form (1NF)
- Second Normal Form (2NF)
- Third Normal Form (3NF)
- Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
- Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
- Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
11. What are Coffman's conditions leading to a deadlock?
Difficulty level: Moderate
- Mutual Exclusion: If only one process can use a critical resource at a time.
- Hold & Wait: If you allocate resources only to some of the processes while others wait.
- No pre-emption: If you can not forcibly remove a resource from a process.
- Circular Wait: If each process holds at least one resource required by another process in a chain.
12. What is object cloning?
Difficulty level: Easy
Object cloning is when you create identical copies of an object. You can use the clone() method. However, you can only use object cloning if the class uses Java.lang.Cloneable interface.
13. Describe the map() function.
Difficulty level: Moderate
If you want to use a function on every element of an iterable such as a list, tuple, etc. you use a map() function. Its syntax is map(func, itr). Here, "func" is the function, and "itr" is iterable. The code will return an object list because of the map() function execution. Example:
- def addition(n):
- return n+n
- number=(10,20,30,40)
- re=map(addition, number)
- print(list(res))
Here, the function addition() gets mapped on the list number.
14. What do you mean by the List Interface in collections?
Difficulty level: Moderate
In Java Collection Framework, the List interface extends the Collection Interface. It is an ordered collection of objects containing duplicate elements. In addition, the list interface allows you random access to elements.
syntax: public interface List<E> Extends Collection<E>
15. Explain the term "collection framework" Java?
Difficulty level: Easy
A Collection Framework stores the classes and interfaces. You can also use this architecture for manipulating the data in the form of objects. The framework's main interfaces are:
- java.util.Collection
- java.util.Map
16. Explain the deadlock condition in multithreading.
Difficulty level: Moderate
A deadlock condition is when a thread waits for an object lock acquired by another thread that is waiting for a lock object taken by the first. It happens in multithreading.
17. Is inserting duplicate values in a Set possible?
Difficulty level: Easy
You cannot insert a duplicate element in a Set. Therefore, you only use a Set when you want to ensure that there are no duplicates.
18. Define recursion and explain a recursive function in Java?
Difficulty level: Easy
If a method calls itself continuously without a termination point, it is recursion. And you call such a method a recursive function.
Return-type method_name()
// code
19. Can you program in C++ without the main() function?
Difficulty level: Easy
In C ++ Programming Language, a program first runs the main() function. Therefore, you can not usually write a program without a main() function. You require a special environment to do that.
20. Differentiate between "var++" and "++var"?
Difficulty level: Easy
You can use both var++ and ++var for incrementing var's value. However, if you write ++var, the program increments before evaluating the statement. And if you write var++, the program increments after evaluating the expression.
21. List different Ansible Modules.
Difficulty level: Moderate
Ansible modules are for performing specific tasks. You can use them via the command line or in the playbook task for automating a wide range of functions. Two types of Ansible modules are below:
- Core: These modules will only ship with Ansible; they have a higher priority.
- Extra: These modules have a lower priority, and you can get shipped in the future.
22. What are "primary key," "foreign key," and "UNIQUE key"?
Difficulty level: Easy
Primary Key: It can be a column or a field uniquely identifying each row in a table; it is an essential database element. It should have a unique value for each row and cannot have null values. A clustered index uses a primary key by default.
Unique Key: This key can also be a primary key; however, it can have null values. Also, you can add duplicate values to it. A non-clustered index uses a duplicate key by default.
Foreign Key: You can use a foreign key to create a link between tables. It can have multiple null values. Therefore, you can have more than one foreign key on a table.
23. Write a program in C++ for generating the Fibonacci series.
Difficulty level: Moderate
A Fibonacci series is 0,1,1,2,3,5,...and so on. Here, you can see, that each number is the sum of the previous two numbers.
The following program generates a Fibonacci series:
void main()
int a,b,c,n,i;
cout<<“Enter the value for range:”; //Fibonacci series range value will be inputted
cout<<“Fibonacci series is:”<<endl;
else if(n==2)
24. Define a friend function in C++.
Difficulty level: Moderate
A function that has access to private and protected class members is a friend function. You can create a friend function using a friend keyword. Its syntax is as follows:
class ClassName
friend return_type function_name();
25. What is object-oriented language?
Difficulty level: Easy
An object-oriented language is one where everything is an object. It is unlike a procedural language, where you give importance to a procedure. An object is a data field having specific attributes and behavior.
OOPs are more suitable for large complex programs that you need to update regularly.
The basic concepts of OOPs are below:
- Object
- Class
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
26. Explain the differences between short, long, and medium-term scheduling.
Difficulty level: Moderate
A long-term scheduler decides which programs should be processed by the system. After admission, the program becomes a process.
Medium-term scheduling decides which programs the computer should swap from the real memory. It swaps blocked or suspended programs from the real memory.
A short-term scheduler is the most frequently executed scheduler. It determines which program the system should process next; it determines the sequence. This scheduler gets invoked after an interruption.
27. What is inheritance?
Difficulty level: Easy
Inheritance means that a class has properties of another class. You can increase code reusability with inheritance; it is a feature of an object-oriented language. The class which gets the properties is the child class, and the other one is the parent class.
28. What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2?
Difficulty level: Easy
You can use both CHAR and VARCHAR2 for storing strings in a database. However, there are the following differences:
CHAR has a fixed size; the size of VARCHAR changes according to the string.
This difference makes it possible to improve memory efficiency using VARCHAR.
29. List the DML commands in DBMS.
Difficulty level: Easy
DML or Data Manipulation Language means the SQL commands used for data manipulation. Some of them are:
- SELECT: for data retrieval
- INSERT: for data addition
- DELETE: for data removal
- UPDATE: for simultaneous deletion and addition of data
30. List the C++ access specifiers
Difficulty level: Easy
There are three access specifiers in C++:
- Public: If you use this specifier, you can access the class members from another class.
- Private: This specifier will ensure that only a class function can access its members.
- Protected: You use this specifier mainly for inheritance. You can not access the members of the protected class.
31. What is an abstract class in Java?
Difficulty level: Easy
An abstract class is any class with the keyword abstract in front of the class name. It can have only methods; these can have some implementation. You cannot instantiate an abstract class. An abstract class doesn't need to have an abstract method. Its syntax is as follows:
abstract class Student{//code}
32. Define checked and unchecked exceptions.
Difficulty level: Moderate
A checked exception is where the compiler checks it at compile time. You can use the try-catch block or throw keyword to handle these. For e.g. if you try to read a file not present.
An unchecked exception is the one that the compiler does not check at compile time. It occurs in runtime. It happens because your code is faulty. You won't get a compilation error if you don't handle this type of exception.
33. Give some reasons for an exception to occur.
Difficulty level: Easy
The reasons for an exception are as follows:
- If you are trying to access a non-existing file.
- If you divide a variable by zero.
- If you insert an element outside the range of an array.
- If there is an occurrence of a throw statement.
- If the conditions captured by JVM are abnormal.
34. Define basic features of Object-Oriented Programming.
Difficulty level: Easy
- Object: It is a physical entity having a state and behavior. It has a space in memory and refers to a class. You can access methods and variables using an object.
- Class: A class is a logical entity that does take any space and is a collection of objects. It contains data and methods showing the object's behavior.
- Inheritance: It is the process of acquiring the properties of one class by another. You increase code reusability by implementing inheritance. The class which inherits the properties is the child class, and the other one is the parent class.
- Polymorphism: It is polymorphism when you perform a single task differently. It enables you to use the same methods and operators in different ways.
- Abstraction: This process involves showing only selected details and hiding others. It reduces distractions.
- Encapsulation: When you integrate data code into a single unit, it makes it safer for modification. You can achieve encapsulation by creating private variables within a class.
35. What are the essential differences between a class and an object?
Difficulty level: Easy
A class is only logical and does not occupy space. On the other hand, an object is physical and occupies space in memory.
In Java, you can create a class using a class keyword. For creating an object, you use the new keyword.
A class can be analogized to a factory that can produce objects with specific properties.
36. What is a classifier in Python?
Difficulty level: Easy
A classifier is an algorithm predicting the input element's class based on its features. It uses training data to understand the relation between the input variable and class. Mainly, you can find classifiers in machine learning and supervised learning.
37. Differentiate between a tuple and a dictionary.
Difficulty level: Moderate
Dictionary | Tuple |
Data gets stored without any order in pairs of keys and values | Data gets stored in an order |
You can access elements using key values | You can access elements using numeric index values |
You can have any number of values in a dictionary. | You can only have a predefined set of values in a tuple |
38. Give the difference between method overloading and overriding in Java.
Difficulty level: Easy
Method Overloading | Method Overriding |
Calls two methods with the same name but different parameters | It calls two methods, where one of them is in a subclass and the other in a superclass |
You can access it within a class only | You need to have two classes for method overriding |
The return type may or may not be different. | Both methods must have the same return type. |
For example: class A{ void B() {//codes} Void B( int a){//code} } |
For example: class A { void b(){ //code} } class B extends A{ Void b(){ //code} } |
39. How does an interface work in Java?
Difficulty level: Easy
You can use an interface to achieve abstraction. For example, it is like a class, but you can only define the method signature and not the body.
You can not initiate an interface in Java. And by default, their methods are public and abstract.
You can implement a class in an interface.
interface Interface_Name{
40. What are the differences between a collection and an array?
Difficulty level: Easy
Both a collection and an array are used for storing data:
- Arrays have a fixed size, but you can change the size of a collection in runtime.
- You can only have homogeneous objects in an array. However, in a collection, you can also have heterogeneous objects.
- You do not have predefined methods for sorting, searching, etc. in an array. But a collection includes them.
- Arrays offer higher performance compared to a collection but take up more space.
41. Explain "call by value" and "call by reference".
Difficulty level: Easy
- You can use call a variable by value and by reference.
- In the "call by value", the changes in the local variable do not change the actual values.
- In "call by reference", you pass the address of the variable to the function. So if you change the value locally, you can see the changes everywhere in the program.
42. What do you mean by a data structure?
Difficulty level: Easy
The way you arrange data is called a data structure. Example:
- Array
- Linked List
- Queue
- Stack
43. Give the differences between the DELETE and TRUNCATE commands in SQL.
Difficulty level: Moderate
It is a DDL command. | It is a DML command |
It can delete some rows. | You can use TRUNCATE to delete all the rows. |
You can not free the container space using the DELETE command. | You can free the container space using the TRUNCATE command. |
DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE condition]; | TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; |
44. What is the importance of a DBMS?
Difficulty level: Easy
When it comes to Accenture interview questions, DBMS is an important topic.
Database Management System or DBMS is helpful while dealing with data. Its advantages are as follows:
- Database Creation
- Data Management
- Easy Updating Data
- Data Retrieval
- Memory Management
- Data Security
45. What is the difference between Hot and Cold Backup?
Difficulty level: Easy
Cold Backup | Hot Backup |
46. Explain ON DELETE CASCADE options in a DB table.
Difficulty level: Easy
You can use MySQL to effectively delete data from a Database using the ON DELETE CASCADE option. It uses the Foreign Key, and if you delete data from the parent table, you will also delete data from the child table.
Accenture Interview Questions: HR Round
1. Tell us about yourself.
The 'tell me about yourself' question is usually asked right at the start of the interview and will contribute to the first impression. Here, you will get the maximum time to express yourself. Your answers must include academic qualifications, work or internship experience, family background, and hobbies.
2. Describe your strengths.
This question determines whether you know your strengths. Try to answer the question in a way that makes you stand out. It would be best to include stories that reflect your strength as a part of your answer.
3. Name your most outstanding achievement?
For such Accenture interview questions, you can talk about your accomplishments in detail. You can also talk about your strengths and highlight the ones necessary for the job. This question will also let the interviewer know about your interests and how you think.
4. What do you want from this job or what are your expectations?
This question determines if you have the right ambition required for the job. Answer this question carefully, and try to differentiate yourself from the crowd. While answering it, you should also hint at what you want to achieve.
5. Can you deal with the work pressure?
It is the most crucial question in any HR interview as every job offers some challenging environment that might put you under pressure. You should answer the question truthfully; However, the interviewer expects an optimistic answer. You should construct your answers in a way that will give a positive impression of you and show that you are capable enough to deal with such situations. You can state an example where you had to face stress, and you overcame it.
6. Would you be willing to relocate?
As most jobs are on-site, you can expect this question. Whether you are willing to relocate or not, the same needs to be practically decided before you apply for any job. However, considering all the circumstances, you should truthfully answer the question in case you are not interested in relocating.
7. What do you know about Accenture?
This is one of the most probable Accenture interview questions. The interviewer wants to know how much you know about the company. This question will also tell the interviewer about your research abilities. Hence, it is always advisable to conduct proper research about the company you are interviewing for.
Accenture is a Fortune 500 multinational company with a diverse and robust work culture. Working here would help to extensively grow your career. If you are interested in getting a job at this firm, browse well through the Accenture interview questions mentioned above and pump up your preparation level.
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I am a biotechnologist-turned-content writer and try to add an element of science in my writings wherever possible. Apart from writing, I like to cook, read and travel.
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